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Posted by Jeffrey Thompson on Feb 26 2007 at 04:00PM PST

Dear Soccer Family:

As the last of winter starts to pass, I know that many of you are getting busier with your spring teams.  At the same time, you have your daily improvement plan that we put together which includes our Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday lifting.

I want everyone to be on the same page with me.......the most important issue is for each of you to stay healthy and well rested.  Secondly, you must apply yourself academically.....make sure you are completing all your school work.  Third, workout with your spring team....most of you are paying substantial dollars to be on these teams.  Then, make yourself available for our off-season weight lifting.

Now having said that, my hope and belief is that you should be able to do all of the above if you plan your time wisely.   Don't waste time in front of the computer or TV.   Get your school work done, help around the house, get all your stuff ready for lifting, EAT RIGHT AND GET PLENTY OF REST.

The last thing I want is for any of you to be exhausted, get sick or for your school work to suffer.   You know you......TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF.

I want to thank all of you for your dedication to the weight lifting so far.   We have had over 95% participation.   Keep it up because you will definitely reap the benefits next season.  Continue to encourage one another to attend and work hard.   Also, I don't  want one day to go by without you thinking about those teams that are making us work this hard:

Northmont, Sidney, Troy, Butler, Fairborn, Wayne, Springboro, Lebanon, Xenia, Piqua and Fairmont.

Each of the above teams have gotten the better of us over the past 4 seasons and 2007 is the time for that to stop.  We have not CONSISTENTLY played to our potential because we have not worked hard enough in the off-season and at practice.  You have a daily improvement plan that we created together..... are you doing it ?

Joe Paterno said it best, "The will to win is important, but THE WILL TO PREPARE IS VITAL."

The headline to this note is ....The Greater the Challenge.... well, the rest of it ends like this ....The Greater the Challenge, the More Rewarding the Victory."   I see many victories in our future.

Coach Ric 


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