


Posted by Terry Stump on Jun 18 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

-         We BELIEVE that our main focus should be to train our players to be young men of character; respecting the game, the referees, the opponents and our program.
-         We BELIEVE that our core values should be a daily focus for each player; reinforcing the need for each player to control themselves at all times.
-         We BELIEVE that soccer is a competitive extra-curricular activity; thus academics come first and then a concentration on reaching one’s soccer potential.
-         We BELIEVE that the fastest way to reach your potential is to improve each day; accomplish growth in some area…physical, technical, tactical or ball skills.
-         We BELIEVE that setting individual player goals and team goals is important.  Motivation is what gets players started, but goals are what keep them going.
-         We BELIEVE it is our responsibility to create a learning environment that enhances the excitement of playing the game.  Our time together should be challenging and enjoyable.  Everyone should look forward to being tested.
-         We BELIEVE that winning is a by-product of our hard work and dedication to improvement.  TRUE winning is measured in the effort, not the scoreboard.
-         We BELIEVE that making the team is a privilege, thus it is the player’s responsibility to accept and follow the leadership of the coaching staff. Each player must accept his role within the squad for the betterment of the team.
-         We KNOW that sometimes life can be unfair and that individuals may not feel as if they have been treated properly. We also know that our attitude in discussing and handling these situations positively is what grows our character      
-    We BELIEVE that we are what we repeatedly do. 
Success, then, is not good luck, but the result of hard practices and a great attitude.


I am responsible for my own actions.  No one can make me do something I do not want to do.  I make the choices for how to act, react and behave.  I will choose right over wrong. 

I will respect myself and those around me. I will always hold myself to a higher standard of action. I will consider the feelings of those around me.  I do not have to agree with everyone, but I will value them as a person treating them with dignity and respect. 

I will listen to others.  I must be just as willing to listen, as I am to speak.  If I want to be heard, I must be willing to hear. I will receive instruction with a willing ear. 

I will be truthful and honest.  I will tell the truth in every situation, no matter what the cost.  I will not deceive, half-truth or distort the facts.  There is no gray area in honesty, I either speak the truth or I am a liar.   

I will be positive and speak positive.  I am a winner and I will talk and act like one. I will be an encouragement to those I come in contact with everyday.  I will lift people up all the time.  I will support my parents, teachers, coaches and teammates.


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