

The End Of Our First Year

Posted by Jeffrey Thompson on Dec 08 2006 at 04:00PM PST
As the 2006 calendar year comes to an end, I want to take a moment and reflect on the past 6 months and my first season at Miamisburg.  I am so pleased with the overall product that we partnered to present to the community this season.  Parents, players, coaches and the school administration all played vital roles.

My first observation of the past six months is a no-brainer...boy, how quickly time flies. It seems like just yesterday that we were getting started.  The days passed faster than I could have ever expected.  Our seven seniors have completed their high school careers....WOW!

Andrew, Tony, Jimmy, Derek, Tommy, Blake and Andy......congratulations and thank you for your contribution this year.  It won't be too long until the graduation bells are ringing.  I wish you the best of luck and great wisdom as you prepare for your college/career plans.  If you are ever in need of anything, know that you are always welcome at my door.   I also hope that you will become an active alumni soccer supporter in the years to come.  We want and need your support.

My second observation is how easily improvement can be attained if everyone is committed to the process.  The easiest example of this is the change that we as coaches and players made regarding bookings.  We changed the process and our yellow and red cards decreased by over 80%...WOW!

The question that begs to be answered is, "What other processes need to change?"  We are looking at our practices, schedules, pre-game, substitutions, post game analysis, scouting, team selection and off season preparation.  Nothing is off limits because we want to improve.  As I have said many times before, we welcome your suggestions, comments and thoughts.

My last observation is that we all must be moving in the same direction.  In talking with the school administration, they are pleased with the program and what we are trying to accomplish.  We are by no means perfect and it will take time for all of us to "melt together",  but we do have the players best interest at heart, as well as moving Miamisburg Boys soccer towards excellence.  We will constantly be looking to improve ourselves, our players and the program.

2006 was the first step along the path to excellence.  We played the game with character and we improved our skills.  The challenge ahead is how many more steps will we take this coming year.  I believe, if we all are working together, it can be more than a couple.

The next step is for each player that participated this past season and will be trying out for the team next year to call me to set up a "Player/Parent/Coaches" meeting.  This communication meeting will give us the best chance for greater success in 2007.

Again, thank you to everyone who played a part this past year, happy holidays and may all of you have a safe and blessed new year.

For Soccer,
Coach  Ric


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