


Posted by Jeffrey Thompson on Jan 08 2008 at 04:00PM PST

Dear Viking Soccer Family,

Happy New and all !!!!

The coaching staff is very excited as we look to start our player/parent/coach meetings.  During the next several weeks, we will be meeting with all returning players one-on-one.  This meeting will be a great time for each of us to get on the same page for the off-season, spring club season, pre-season and tryouts.

Our goal for you is simple......we want  you to reach your potential.  We want your best, first time, every time.  Each player reaching their potential will make us much improved.

During our meeting, we will outline the off-season workouts and discuss the tryout expectations.  You will want to bring your "COMPLETED" player profile to the meeting.  It is on the website in the handout section.  Come prepared...we want you to succeed!!

You need to call me ASAP at 902-9414 to schedule your meeting.  Availability is first come, first served, so get on the schedule as soon as possible.   Below is the schedule:

Mon. 1/21 - Three meetings - 6:00.....6:45.....7:30          Tue.  1/22 - Three meetings - 6:00.....6:45.....7:30

Wed. 1/23 - Three meetings - 6:00.....6:45.....7:30          Thu.  1/24 - Three meetings - 6:00.....6:45.....7:30

Sat.   1/26 - Six meetings  -  1:15....2:00....2:45....4:00....4:45....5:30

The off-season training will begin on Saturday, Feb. 2nd.  The website will be updated will all the dates and times.

For Soccer,

Coach Ric




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