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Posted by Jeffrey Thompson on Jul 15 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

GOOD DAY.......SOCCER TEAM  (and family):

Let me start with a simple statement......what a great week we just completed.  I could not be much prouder than I am right now of the effort put forth by our young men.  Earlier in the week, I gave the boys a paper that talked about becoming a team and being committed to giving our best.  I believe we took a major first step in that direction!!!

As I look back on the week, I want to thank all of the parents who drove their boys around.  THANK YOU PARENTS!  I know that some of the driving was rather lengthy and some was early in the morning, but you came through.  I appreciate your support and I believe it was a critical component to our success.

Secondly, I want to thank my coaching staff.   THANK YOU Coach Kevin, Coach Dave and Coach Jerry.   Your motivation, knowledge and support adds value to me, the players and the program.  We could not do it without you.  You are making us better.

Thirdly, I want to thank those players who gave "double duty" effort by playing on both teams at the tournament.  THANK YOU Marcus Hanson, Daniel Hurt, Brian Lakes, Orly Leiva, Diego Torres, Cody Kalbfleisch, Wil Downing and Drew O'Donnel.  You gave a stellar effort to both squads and I cannot thank you enough.

Lastly, I want to thank the 33 players who performed at the OHIO CUP.  THANK YOU TEAM!!!  I am pretty confident that we were the only group who had practiced 7 times in the previous four days, who had "two touch" limitations on their play and was being played in numerous new positions.....AND YOU DID GREAT!!!  As I said before, " I  AM  SO  PROUD  OF  YOU  AND  YOUR  EFFORT. "

I do want to recognize several players who gave superior performances.  CONGRATULATIONS to Marcus Hanson, Daniel Hurt, Brian Lakes, Daniel Wolcott, Kevyn Bange, Aaron Reichel, Taylor Dunaway and all four keepers; Nick Schwartz, Cody Kalbfleisch, Trey Oldham and Jimmy Tuccillo.  I believe that we had many players give a strong effort, but you guys lifted your game to a new level, a level we had not seen before and it was exciting to watch.

Lastly, I want to encourage everyone to keep working hard the next 20 days as we prepare for the season.  I hope to see you at open fields, conditioning, weight lifting and the AIR SHOW FUNDRAISER.  Each of these events are OPTIONAL, but your participation will add great value to you and to the program.   Remember, we all reap what we sow.....and now is the time to be sowing hard work towards getting better.

Coach Ric


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