

Opening Season 2004 Tournament

Posted by David Young on Sep 12 2004 at 05:00PM PDT

OPENING TOURNAMENT : 5 games and 5 draw but lots of hope !

1st game against Germans,
We had difficulties to start (we arrived very late at Tianma and our bodies were not warmed yet). Minute after minute, we played better and finally had a tremendous chance to win the match. Just before the referee whistles the end of the game : Greg alone in front of their goalkeeper shoots but not powerfully enough and it is bounced. Max and Olivier rushed on the ball, looks like they shoot it together; apparently it was only Max but the goalkeeper just touched it with 2mm of his last finger and finally deviated out. What a chance to put us on the right rack at first game !! Anyway, still 4 to go.
Final score : 0-0

2nd game against Belgians,
We have played most of the time in their half pitch because the Belgians proceeded by counter attack. It means there was no space. Because they often kicked the ball out as defensive style, there was a lot of injury times. With 15 minutes by game, I think we didn't succeed to play calmly enough. We rushed and crushed on them like "direct frontal blue waves" on a Belgian rocky fortress. The Belgians were 0% dangerous, even wonder if they have been once near Willy. But on our side, we don't have the striker super killer, and missed several good chances (Olivier's head + a few shots by other players).
Final score 0-0

3rd game against Shooters,
Well, with them the pace of a game is always high. We were responding well to their english style and correct agressiveness by our fighting spirit. Then they showed us one of their strong skills: free kicks. On one of them, a head from a shooter deviating to his partner resulted to a goal ! 1 goal behind against the shooters in a 15 mn game, could have been a mission impossible. But sometimes, you can feel like a harmony of spirit when everybody is motivated and continue to fight. Then the reward arrived : as a similar way we got a free kick and a deviating ball. Olivier at 50 cm of the goalkeeper, fighted like a wild Lion with all his rage. He kicked the ball and equalized. At this magic moment, everybody was running after him and screaming like Les Bleus won the World Cup !!! Then time was almost over.
Final score 1-1.

4th game against Azurri,
We know that this game is the main ticket to quarter finals. We put pressure by camping on their side and logically scored an early goal thanks again to Olivier with a calm shoot. But there were still lots of time to go : les Bleus created many opportunites with a good attacking football. So many missed chances to kill the game (post hit by Christophe, superb action Greg-Olivier-Max but then crushed on goalkeeper, other hot actions I forgot). Azurri didn't do anything yet, and what was so unconsciously feared finally happened ... Just before the end: a foul, a free kick, a goal from Azzuris who didn't produce any danger before !! What a pity, what a disappointment, what an anger !!!
So why ?????? Lack of concentration, lack of rigorousness, lack of fighting spirit, lack of efficiency in killing the game, lack of confidence ?? Anybody has his own points of views. Maybe a compilation of many little details, but those details often make the difference between a victory, a draw and a defeat.
Final score 1-1

5th game against Orange, For the first time, we have the wind against us and we can feel the disadvantage because it is a long way to reach our opponents' side ! The disappointment of the previous game is probably still in our minds and we cannot qualify any more even if we win this game. That brings us a lower level of motivation and fighting spirit. Les Bleus don't play very well but Orange neither. Though all that, we had the best chances to win the game (Olivier and Vincent on 2 very good chances) because the Orange have never been really dangerous.
Final score 0-0

Debriefing summary
This tournament should be considered as a warm up of the season, allowing us to discover the others teams and also ours. It has showed us the new libero and the old libero-new striker :)) who will unfortunately leave us. It has showed us some lessons to learn (Azurri game). It has showed us we are still the Draw Masters :) ! But actually in almost every game, we've created many chances to score and opponents were never dangerous except on free kicks. In the way it happened, 80 mn games against same opponents, could result of 4 victories and 1 defeat. Well, it is just "basic extrapolation" because the truth is out (on the pitch of the day).



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