

June 12 Workout: 300/100

Posted by Ann Dea Whippen on Jun 05 2014 at 05:00PM PDT

5K/10K workout

300 meters “smooth”, 300 meters “quick”, 100 meters “smooth”, 100 meters “quick”

4x / 5x

Run 300 meters at a fast recovery pace, then pick it up to race pace for 300 meters, then coast through 100 meters and get back up to race pace for the last 100 meters = 800 meters total

This workout was created so my high school runners could get in a little “change of pace” training right before a meet without emptying the gas tank. I will have them do two or three of these the day before a meet simply to get the legs moving and to make sure they don’t get too used to easy running pace, the speed they do most of their easy runs at. Which makes this an excellent early season workout or tuneup workout to do before running a race you want to run well or PR in. Once you get used to a particular pace to train at, getting out of that pace can be hard. The body works towards efficiency, and if most of your mileage is run at 8 minute pace, that’s where it will go automatically. The idea of speedwork is to adjust what is normal, provide a range of normal, making it easier for you to step it up when the time comes. This workout provides such a stimulus without making you “go to the well.”

Distance Focus (more than 10K as max race distance)

300/100 workout

5x /6x

Beginning runners

Prepare to cover 10 laps (2 and ½ miles) by running as easily as you can for one lap, then walking for one lap. As your fitness improves add one lap of running to the workout, while keeping the walking lap the same until you can run for 10 laps straight. Now you are ready to begin the 5K/10K workout regime.


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