

Sep 21st Track Workout - Torture 1200's

Posted by Paula Hunter on Sep 08 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

5K/10K focus Torture 1200’s - 800 meters @ 5k pace, then 400 meters up to 5 sec faster, 100 meter walking water break, 400 meter jog 3x/4x

Distance Focus (more than 10K max as race distance) 800 meters @ 5k pace, then 400 meters up to 5 sec faster, 100 meter walking water break, 400 meter jog

The torture 1200 is designed to mimic the workload of mile repeats without the repetitiveness and competitiveness that mile repeats induce. Everyone knows their mile PR and every time they run mile repeats that time lingers in their subconscious. While they might not intend to “go after it” is latently hidden there, asking for the pace to be picked up. Thankfully, no one keeps track of their 1200 meter PR, so running at the proper pace is a simpler task. The idea of the torture 1200 is to run 800 meters @ goal 5K pace, then at the completion of the second lap immediately increase the pace to run approximately 5 seconds faster per lap. After finishing the third lap, the athlete jogs over to their waiting water bottle, walks 100 meters or so, drops the bottle, jogs 400 meters back to the water bottle, jogs across the infield, and immediately gets into the next repeat. The workout gets more difficult as the repeats add up, with the benefit of the workout coming after the second or third repeat. We usually look for an athlete to complete at least three, with the next opportunity, increasing the repeats by at least one or more. Well trained athletes could start with four to five, adding one more the next time the workout is run. This workout shouldn’t be done closer than four weeks apart.

Beginning runners Prepare to cover 10 laps (2 and ½ miles) by running as easily as you can for one lap, then walking for one lap. As your fitness improves add one lap of running to the workout, while keeping the walking lap the same until you can run for 10 laps straight. Now you are ready to begin the 5K/10K workout regime.

Alternative workout ( if game on fields) 40 Minute progression run – increase the pace of the run every ten minutes until your running quickly without struggling, maintain good form


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