

July 1: 500/300

Posted by Ann Dea Whippen on Jul 06 2015 at 05:00PM PDT

 Medium distance pace work, strength

5K/10K workout
500 meters @ pace/ 300 meters R
3x/4x/5x 500 meters (1 ¼ laps) run at race pace with 300 meters (3/4 lap) recovery jog, three sets or four sets or five sets

Distance Focus (more than 10K as max race distance)
500 meters pace / 300 meters R

The goal of this workout is to stretch out the distance of the repeat to push the athlete towards that aerobic/anaerobic threshold, but insuring not to step over the line, thereby diminishing the value of the workout. The first one or two shouldn’t seem to be that bad. Refrain from stepping it up however, because the benefit of the workout is at the tail end of it, not the beginning. The first couple are to set the stage for the difficulty of the workout, to tire you out enough so the later rounds provide the work load that will make you faster. If the workout seems too easy, add a repeat rather than increase your pace. If you add a repeat at the end and it seems too easy, choose a faster pace the next time around.

Beginning runners

Prepare to cover 10 laps (2 and ½ miles) by running as easily as you can for one lap, then walking for one lap. As your fitness improves add one lap of running to the workout, while keeping the walking lap the same until you can run for 10 laps straight. Now you are ready to begin the 5K/10K workout regime.


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