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2004 Pennsylvania High School Hockey Championships - Breakaway Editorial !

Posted by Jeff Mauro on Apr 11 2004 at 05:00PM PDT
From: Matt Sacks - Breakaway Monthly Magazine ! From the Breakaway Message Board - 4/11/04 Apr 11, 04 - 11:31 PM Pittsburgh Hospitality I would like to personally thank a few people from Pittsburgh for their hospitality this weekend at the State Championships. First I would like to thank Serra Catholic coach, Tom Mooney, who after being out-smarted by Radnor coach Ed Ritti about the eligibility of an assistant coach, decided to make sure that no photographers were allowed on the Radnor bench. Good call coach Mooney, you sure showed Radnor who’s boss, photographers often influence the outcome of hockey games! I would also like to thank PIHL Commisioner Ed Sam, who generously allowed me to observe three consecutive hockey games while standing on a 12 foot ladder so that I could get my camera lens over the glass. I appreciate the professional courtesy that you extended to me after my five hour drive and our specific conversation about where I would be taking pictures from. I don’t want to speak for coach Hammond, but I think he would also like to thank you for allowing the photographer that HE PAID FOR, to view the game next to me and on that same ladder after I was through with it. I have sent team pictures to all of the Pittsburgh coaches that have requested them in each of the past four seasons AT NO CHARGE! That will most certainly change! On behalf of Radnor, Carroll and Malvern I would like to thank the PIHL for allowing them to take home their trophies to share with their family, friends and student bodies. I am glad that you EACH decided that a $1,000.00 check apiece would be a sufficient deposit, because anything more might have been thought of as excessive. On behalf of Radnor, I would like to thank you for not having last seasons State Championships team engraved into the trophy with all of the previous winners. I understand that a year may not be enough time to have the engraving done, but what’s the hurry, if you had no intentions of letting them take the trophy home, it wouldn’t really matter if their names were on it. It was also nice of you to insist that Mr. Mills (Malvern’s trainer) return the two “extra” Championship medals that were left over. I am sure the medals that say “2004 State Champions” will be of valuable use to you in the future. Without being sarcastic……I would like to extend my true thanks to Jeff Mauro, Tom Pandolfo and Stu Rulnick I enjoyed talking hockey, breaking bread and having a few glasses of barley and hopps with you guys. I hope you and your teams make it Philly next year, I guarantee that you will be treated differently than we were! And to Greg Dugan who did all he could to clear up “Photo-gate”, unfortunately to no avail. But thanks for the try and the Ladder!


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