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What it takes to make the team and be a champion

Posted by Mark Russell on Apr 09 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
  • MOST IMPORTANT: Who you are today is a result of who you were in the past. Fill your past with hardwork, effort and good deeds and you will maximize your potential. This is true not only in baseball but also in LIFE!
  • Persistence is more important than talent. It doesn't take any talent to hustle.
  • Practice hard because you play the way you practice.
  • Baseball reveals character - it doesn't build it, and character means doing the right thing when nobody's watching.
  • Show off your talent by doing the right things - right:
    • When you jog to warm up finish first.
    • When you stretch do it best.
    • When you play catch, throw to a target and hit it every time.
    • When you are doing a drill, try to do it perfect, every time.
    • When you play catch, catch the ball or block the bad throw and keep it in front of you every time.
    • Go hard all the time.
    • Know the situation on defense and do the right thing.
  • Be a student in baseball. Learn the game and respect the history of baseball.
  • Respect the game as much as you want to be respected.
    • Tuck in your shirt and look sharp.
    • Wear your hat properly.
    • Leave the umpire to your coach - DON'T argue.
    • Never walk on a baseball practice field; and remember
    • Body language screams. It never whispers.
  • Cutting Class says allot about the type of person you are - it's the type of person that can't make the commitment necessary to succeed in this game.
  • Set high standards along with knowing the steps to attain them.
  • Don't let anyone make an excuse for you.
  • Help your team win whether you play or not and be passionate and positive about all of your teammates.
  • It is your coach's opinion of you that counts. The coach makes out the lineup.
  • The only thing that coaches owe you is HONESTY. Everything else you must earn.
  • Balance makes champions. If you focus on hitting and ignore the defensive part of your game you will never be a complete player.
  • Defense wins more games than offense. Games are lost not won. Mistakes lead to losses. Be as diligent on defense as you are on offense.


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