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August 2010 Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Posted by Donald Wilkerson on Aug 09 2010 at 05:00PM PDT

Clear Lake Falcon Boys Basketball Booster Club Minutes

August 9, 2010,  Krueger Field House Gym- Clear Lake High School

In attendance

Coach Penders, Don Wilkerson, Terry Krenek, Tony Lapia, Joe Swingle, Leigh Ann Train, Clay Bare, Gregg Dancy, Elizabeth Nelson, & Sally Sugarek  ( 9 in attendance)


  • Discuss last years budget and goals for upcoming year
  • Discuss upcoming events and dates
  • Discuss membership, sponsorship, and board positions   

Discussion, decisions, assignments

First agenda item. Joe Swingle stated the audit was completed by Jeff Scott and everything came out perfectly.  He then read the final budget and said the club ended up with $400 &  Coach Penders said there is still $5000 in the activity fund. Joe then read the goals for the upcoming school year budget:  
  • Membership - $3750.00
  • Sponsorship - $3500.00
  • Fundraiser - $2500.00
  • 3 on 3 Tourney - $2000.00
  • Shootout - $1000.00
  • Merchandise - $1000.00
  • Holiday Travel - $500.00
  • Banquet - $3000.00
   The 3 main items to concentrate on would be increasing membership, and sponsorship, and reducing the cost of the banquet.  There was some discussion about charging the players $25 or so for away game meals, but Coach Penders and Don Wilkerson disagreed with that suggestion.  Joe said that even without that, he could project over $5000 gained by the Club based on the above budget.

Second agenda item.
Coach Penders started the discussion about good dates for the 3 on 3 Tourney.  Many Saturday dates are available in September and October, but it was decided that October 16, 2010 would be the date of the Tournament.  That is the week after the District Shootout on October 9, 2010 which will provide more opportunities to recruit additional teams.  Coach said the Shootout location hasn’t been decided yet, but would prefer it be held at another school.  Clear Lake already hosts other events and the concessions are split no matter who hosts it.  Terry Krenek said the next meeting date will be on Monday, September 13, 2010 at 6:30 PM.  It will be the ‘Falcon Hoops Tip-Off Meeting’ which will be the beginning of the school year booster club membership drive.  Tony Lapia thought they should hand out uniforms to get more parents to attend.  That is a possibility, but Coach Penders said he will let the kids know about the meeting and have Don Wilkerson put it on the website.   

Additional items.
In regards to increasing membership and participation, Joe Swingle made the suggestion that the players will only get a free ticket to the banquet if their parents join the booster club as well as work 2 shifts in the concession stand.  All in attendance agreed that would be a good idea.  It was also discussed by Terry and others that having a membership and sponsorship chairman would be a good idea, and since Leigh Ann Train will no longer be in charge of concessions, they asked if she might consider being in charge of membership.  Terry also wants to find someone to take over concessions as soon as possible.  There maybe some incoming freshman parents who will be actively involved, and feel they can find someone.


Coach Penders said that St John’s is interested in sponsoring the boys and girls basketball teams this year for a total of $400 contribution… & they would supply their own sign.  Other possible sponsors were mentioned, such as local doctors, and businesses. Cost of sponsorship signs could be $500, $250 and $100.  Coach Penders said he can head up the candy fundraiser again this year and we discussed the option of a $50 buyout instead of selling $100 in candy.  Joe said he’ll include that buyout option on the membership form.  Leigh Ann asked if the candy could be sold at the concession stand and Coach said yes.


Misc:  Leigh Ann asked about the Kroger share card status and Terry said he sent it off and should have it back in time for the tip off night.  Joe said they will sell some of the remaining variety of t-shirts tomorrow at the fish camp

   Tentative agenda for the next meeting
  • Booster Club Tip-Off Meeting and Membership Drive
  • Discussion of upcoming events
These minutes were provided by Mrs. Sally Sugarek. email Sally at sssugarek@sbcglobal.net  with additions or corrections to these minutes.



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