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Posted by Donald Wilkerson on Dec 15 2008 at 04:00PM PST

There are two locations for ALBUMS: on the Falconhoops Albums Page and on the Picasaweb supplemental web site.

 The  ALBUMS  Section on this site will contain some game photos but many more current season photos and hopefully some video clips will be located on the "picasaweb" link picasaweb.google.com/falconhoops200708

The Falconhoops Albums are a retouched subset of the total photos available and they will be smaller (file sizes) and lower in resolution. These photos are intended for both broadband and dial-up viewers (if there are still any out there). Click on the ALBUMS link on the menu above. 

The photos on the picasaweb site are intended for broadband viewers. They are higher resolution and there are many more of them. These photos are ideal for downloading and better quality printing and they are all free. The picasaweb photos are usually unaltered from the originals.

Generally, you can reach the PICASAWEB PHOTOS site  by clicking on any individual embedded photo appearing on this web site (except roster photos and Album photos).  For more detailed information on the location and the usage of the photos site, please see the SITE USAGE HINTS Page article by clicking on the topic on the menu.


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