

Click here for a ClearLakeFalconHoops Overview For First Time Visitors to Website

Posted by Donald Wilkerson on Oct 11 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

The purpose of this website is to publicize the accomplishments of the Boys Varsity team during each season and to enhance the enjoyment of the Clear Lake High School basketball experience by providing information about Falcon games, the team, individual players and fans. It is intended for Clear Lake High School basketball fans, relatives, and current and former Clear Lake students and players. Limited coverage of the other four Clear Lake boys teams will be included as time permits.

Comments and observations contained on this site are not reviewed or approved by the school administration or the coaching staff.

After 10+ years the zeal of the website administrator is waning. In the past during the season, occasional articles on the most recent games were written for the FALCON FLASHES  page for some pre-district games, out of town tournament games, and all district and playoff games. Despite being a fan favorite, these articles have been discontinued. Articles provided by student journalists will sometimes be provided. There will continue to be a game summary of each game.

After the end of the season, articles and game summaries can be found in the ARCHIVES Section and photos (including previous seasons) can be found in the PHOTO ALBUMS section.

Details of time and place of upcoming tournament games as well as selected tournament brackets can be found on the TOURNAMENT NEWS Page.

Game and event photos are provided by volunteers or the website administrator and are available free for download. These photos can be found in the following places:
1. accompanying the game article on the FALCON FLASHES page (only a select few per game) or on the Welcome Page;
2. on the ALBUMS WEB SITE at ALBUMS photos. 
3. some photos from previous seasons can be found on the PHOTO ARCHIVES  site.

Very rarely a few photos are provided by professional photographers and are available for purchase.

Individual player roster photos and team pictures of the varsity can always be found on the ROSTERS page and are free to download.

Check out the ALBUMS website for the complete collection of specific game and event photos as the season progresses. The photos are provided for your enjoyment. Please feel free to download them.

Refer to the GENERAL INFO Page for specifics if you wish to provide photos for the web site.

Links to game video highlights (up to 10 minute videos per game) are sometimes provided by Mr. Kyle Snow. For Clear Lake fans, viewing these videos is highly recommended.

In addition, sometimes brief video clips will be provided to display noteworthy Falcon game highlight action or to feature a specific player. These videos will also be on the ALBUMS web site.
STATS - (suspended starting in  2011-12 season)

Team stats will usually be current to the last game. Every effort will be made to ensure the accuracy and timeliness of the information provided here. This website is not responsible for the initial recording of player stats. Starting in 2011-12, this is done by the coaches when they review game videos and score the stats (see article on Player Stats on the SITE USAGE HINTS and FAQS Page).

A Calendar, driving directions to high school main gyms, useful links to other basketball websites, current season national and UIL rules changes, school and individual record holders, Clear Lake Basketball Hall of Fame members, and infrequent editorial discourse on relevant basketball topics can also be found on this site.

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