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March 2012 Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Posted by Donald Wilkerson on Mar 25 2012 at 05:00PM PDT

Meeting Minutes for 3-19-12

Provided by Betty Squyres

Benjetta West welcomed everyone to meeting and said we had a great year. All the teams did very well. 

1. Banquet – Marla Lewis reported the banquet would be on April 23rd, but we will have to change the date due to testing.  She will send an email to Benjetta after she speaks with Las Brisas with another confirmed date.  She needs a lot of volunteers; she had a few people sign up to help.  She will be scheduling a banquet committee meeting. Senior receives gift bags. Each Varsity player gives each senior player a $5-10 gift card in gift bag.  The George Wang Hustle Award will no longer provide a $500 scholarship.   Don Wilkerson will now donate $500 for the Don Wilkerson “Heart” Award.  Coach Penders thanked Don for his generous support.  Marla will look in the binder and see who we have sent free tickets (invitations) to in the past and make sure not to leave anyone out.  Don suggested we invite Joe Swingle and give him a $500 gift certificate for all the printing and support to our program.  The Booster club will give a $500 scholarship.  Judy Arrington suggested that the Booster Club give each player a gift.  Coach Penders said there is a $25 limit.  The 2011 banquet budget was $6,000.

2. Treasure Report – Judy Arrington reported as of 02/29/12 our balance is $11,329, she has 2 invoices outstanding to pay.

3. Concessions – Benjetta West reported concessions were very successful, we sold around $7,000.

4. Tumblers – Kate Skol reported she would be picking up and counting the left over tumblers

5. T-Shirt Sales – Benjetta West reported the sales were good.

6. Miscellaneous – Coach Penders asked how much we paid for each sign hanging in gym.  Betty Squyres replied $60.  Coach Penders said he needed fundraiser ideas.  He also said next year’s basketball budget from the district will be $5,000. We will need to raise more money.  Don Wilkerson inquired about a Texas Flag and banners for the Field House.  He and Penders has a discussion.  Betty Squyres will get with Coach Penders for specs and get a price.  Benjetta West said she will be getting with Marla Lewis regarding the banquet and will be sending out an email with volunteer request and committee meeting date.  She thanked everyone for attending. Ended meeting at 7:15.


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