

Coach Matt Frye

Posted by Donald Wilkerson on Jun 02 2009 at 05:00PM PDT

Matt was born in a remote region in Idaho on February 29, 1987. Matt is the youngest of 7 boys and 11 girls. Because he was the 18th of her children Matt’s mom did not speak to Matt’s father for almost four years so Matt was not named until he was three years old. Expecting a girl, his mom finally decided to use the name she had selected before he was born so Matt was christened “Mathilda Louise Frye”. It is easy to understand why his only childhood friend, Seymore Butts, called him “mlf” for short.  

Since all of his brothers were grown and had left home before Matt was born, his clothes were all hand-me-down dresses from his older sisters. Matt really enjoyed wearing those dresses despite the ridicule he received when he attended school at St. Heathen’s Public School #22.

Matt was not a good student but he did excel in sports, especially Hopscotch (the only sport played at St. Heathens). But school was not for Matt so he dropped out in the seventh grade. He continued to practice his Hopscotch with the hopes that someday he could get a scholarship although he was not sure what a scholarship was and he certainly could not spell the word. 

In 2005 Matt was observed by a scout for the local community college and was signed to a Hopscotch scholarship to play for the Idaho Dolts. It was a proud day at the Frye household so Matt’s parents bought the boy a new dress to wear to the signing ceremony. It was the first new dress Matt had ever owned. He was so proud of that dress. Imagine his disappointment when his Hopscotch coach told him he would have to start wearing underwear and he would not be allowed to wear his new dress when he competed in Hopscotch Tournaments. All the other girls on the team tried to console him but Matt was so dejected he stayed out of the gym for almost a week (In Idaho Hopscotch is an indoor sport due to the weather).

Matt’s college experience did not last long. The school work was difficult for sure but Matt had even more trouble finding his way from one building to another on campus. So after one month Matt decided to leave school and go out into the world. 

Matt hitched a ride on a large cargo truck loaded with potatoes bound for Texas. Spud Likker, the driver, admitted he only stopped to give Matt a ride because he thought Matt looked “real purty” in that dress. Matt was so proud. No one had ever told him he was “purty” before. 

After a long ride with some questionable stopovers Matt and his new special “friend” Spud finally made it to the Texas Gulf Coast where the Idaho potatoes were delivered to the local Piggly Wiggly and Matt kissed Spud goodbye one last time.

Based on a tip from Spud, Matt landed a job sweeping the floors at a local school gymnasium. It was there Matt met Hunter, his life partner. Hunter has a job emptying the Port-a-Potties beside the portable classrooms at the school. Matt and Hunter just seemed to be made for each other. 

After only three years sweeping the gym floors and despite never having played basketball, Matt landed a job as a basketball coach at one of the local high schools (which shall remain nameless to avoid embarrassing the school district).  

Matt and Hunter live in Webster with their two Chihuahuas, Fifi and Brutus. When Matt is not in the gym he enjoys scrapbooking, quilting, and especially sewing. Matt makes all his own dresses and his current project is a stylish sheer pink chiffon number with a see-through bodice that he hopes to wear to the school prom where he will serve as a chaperone. 

Now if we can just get him to bathe and wear underwear. 


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