

May 2011 Booster Club Meeting Minutes

Posted by Donald Wilkerson on May 10 2011 at 05:00PM PDT

Clear Lake Falcon Boys Basketball Booster Club Minutes

May 09, 2011, Krueger Field House Gym–Clear Lake High School


Coach Penders
Coach Frye
Don Wilkerson
Terry Krenek - President
Sally Sugarek – Secretary
14 Parents/ Members
Absent -
Leigh-Ann Train – Vice President, Joe Swingle - Treasurer


  • Election of new officers
  • Committees for  concessions, fundraising & events
  • Fundraisers  & miscellaneous items

First agenda item.   Terry welcomed everyone to the meeting and stated that our main objective tonight would be to elect the new officers for the upcoming year, running from June 1st to May 31st.  He also stated that there hasn’t really been any change in the financial report since last month, and there is still about $1200 in the account.  

Nominations were made and elections completed and the new slate of officers is: 
President – Benjetta West
Vice President – Kate Skol
Secretary – Betty Squyres
Treasurer – Judy Arrington

Second agenda item. The next item for discussion was about forming committees to help with concessions, fundraising, and other tournaments and events.  Mrs West suggested that there should be 2 parents from each team to be responsible and make sure that each team has people to work the concessions.  There will still be a need for a head person or two that are the main contacts, and who can also keep the concession stocked, etc. They are thinking of some parents who maybe willing to take on that important responsibility.  Terry explained that we have a master schedule and parents have a chance to sign up to work 2-3 shifts throughout the season.  However, they still end up with holes in the schedule to fill, and some end up working more than others, but it has worked fairly well. 

Mrs Quintanilla mentioned that in baseball, if parents do not sign up, then they are assigned concession times.  They can either work those times, or pay for a teenager to work the shift for them.  Coach Penders said that the school district has been discouraging having the students work shifts for service hours for the upcoming year. 

Terry also said they should get someone to head up the fundraising ideas.  Coaches have been very supportive but can’t be in charge of the fundraising.  Coach did say there are different types of fundraising allowed, some thru the booster club and others thru the activity account, one involving the boys, one the parents. 

Don Wilkerson said that the 3 on 3 tournament does not count as one of the fundraisers because it is sponsored by his Clear Lake Falcon Hoops website. Committees may also be formed to help with the different tournaments and events throughout the year. 

A Booster club membership drive will be held at the beginning of the next school year once the teams are formed and they will try to send more reminders to boost participation! 

Additional items. Several parents mentioned different fundraising ideas that could be successful such as:

1) selling tumblers with different school emblems on them,

2) selling raffle tickets and then allowing the chosen ticket holder to shoot during halftime for a prize.  Other ideas were to-

3) Invite younger kids groups to come and perform during halftime at the games that do not have the Flairs or Cheerleaders performing because it will draw in additional crowds.

4) Have a student work with our program thru ISM or from a local college to create some other marketing ideas for the team. 

5) There was also mention of a raffle of electronic items that today’s students might find appealing. 

In addition, the basketball players had a shoot–a-thon today where they each shot 10 free throws for donations they acquired… either per shot made or a flat amount.  This money can help with the normal expenses of feeding the players at certain away games, tournaments, purchasing new equipment and uniforms, etc.  The forms and money are due to the coaches by this Friday, May 13th.

Coach Penders said that there is a ESPN super 16 shootout scheduled for Oct 1st and 2nd that they are participating in and also said that we will be hosting the CCISD Carlisle-Krueger Tourney for the next 2 years and it is usually beginning on a Thursday of the 1st weekend in December.  Concessions are normally split among the district participants, but he will know more after the next coaches meeting. The 3 on 3 tournament will be scheduled around these other events, at a date to be determined. Another big upcoming event for the entire high school is Daisy Day which will be held on Friday, May 20th.  Our booth will be the only one selling water throughout the afternoon, so donated water cases would be appreciated.  There may also be a raffled item that the students can purchase tickets for.  Terry said the Kroger share card year ended in April and they will be getting the totals on what was made thru that, and also renewing for next year. 

Don Wilkerson volunteered his wife to perform the end of year audit for us!

Coach Penders said that the kids are really improving a lot and the incoming class should also be very good. 

Everyone thanked Terry Krenek for being President the past 2 years and he turned over the book to the new President, Benjetta West, and the meeting adjourned.

Date of the next meeting

June 13th @ 6:30 in the Krueger Field House

Contact Sally Sugarek @  with additions or corrections to these minutes.   


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