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Safety Rules

Posted by Marianne Graham on Sep 25 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

Safety Rules

This is not a complete list and other items will be added as they occur. These rules should be followed by all team members for their own safety and the safety of their teammates.


1)      Full equipment is required at all practices, scrimmages, and games, both on the ice and the bench.


2)      Mouth guards do protect players from dental injuries most of the time, but that is not what they are for.  Mouth guards are worn to protect players from concussions.  You should wear one at all times while on the ice.


3)      Helmets should be worn at all times from the moment you enter the ice surface until after the team handshake.


4)      All doors should be shut during practices and games whenever there is action on the ice.  This is a responsibility of every team member and especially that of the last person through the door.  Open doors are dangerous and can cause serious bodily injury if pushed against by on ice players.


5)      In providing a safe and effective bench change during a game it is important to remember that it is more important for the player to get on the ice than for the player to get on the bench.  If there is ever a question, let the player coming on the ice leave the bench first.


6)      During warm ups and at practices, NEVER shoot on a goalie who is not ready or turned around. There is no padding in the back of goalie equipment and a goalie who is not ready may be squaring to another player or stretching and can be injured by your shot.


§         Goalies will decide which shot they are ready for by squaring and making eye contact, nodding, or pointing to the shooter.


§         Warm-up shots are for the goalies to get the feel of the puck, not for you to score.  You should be trying to hit the goalie at the beginning of warm-ups.  Shots should be kept low for the first half.  No deking should occur until the goalie is ready.


§         Do not shoot orange pucks at goalies (or anyone else).  Orange pucks are weighted and are for improving the strength of your shots, passes and clearing attempts.  Hockey equipment was not made to take the extra force of these pucks.


7)      All players must clear the ice when the Zamboni doors are opened. Players should not continue to shoot or pass pucks. Player may help to take water bottles off bench and collect pucks, but must clear the ice as quickly as possible.



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