


Posted by N Frese on Dec 09 2001 at 04:00PM PST
The Senators have a long-standing reputation in this league for being a "class" organization when it comes to umpire relations. This does NOT mean that we've never had a guy tossed or had an argument with an arbiter. However, we NEVER whine incessantly, but rather have our say and continue on with the ballgame. On the occasions when we've had players tossed, the ejections have come quickly via an over-heated comment or gesture. There have NEVER been any major "incidents," and we don't intend to have any moving forward. That said, if there is any "serious" jawing to be done, it will be done by me. If you have something to say to one of the gentlemen in blue, by all means feel free. But once you have it off your chest, please focus on the next pitch, the next AB, the next play, the next inning, the next game, whatever. I'll take care of the major yapping (if necessary). And believe me, I know that some of these guys are not very good at what they are being paid to do -- as with ANY profession. But umpiring is HARD work, and requires a focus completely different from that of a ballplayer. So please give the men in blue their due respect -- it's very rare that these guys are the difference in a ballgame, anyway. It usually comes down to runs, hits and errors. Finally, fair warning: anyone behaving in a fashion that I consider to be against the Senator code of conduct will be invited to go play for some other team pronto. We will not sit still for that kind of behavior. I've seen it on occasion from other teams, and it's not a pretty sight.


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