

Golic & Greenberg Call For Senator '09 Title

Posted by N Frese on Oct 02 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

In a stunning personal meeting with Senator GM Nick Frese and former 25+ Nat manager Ken Bevenour, ESPN morning radio hosts Mike Golic and Mike Greenberg, of Mike & Mike Show fame, both predicted the 35+ Washington Township Senators would take back the SJMSBL crown in 2009.

"Who knew they were fans", Frese said from the deck of the U.S. New Jersey in Camden. "It's kinda cool when guys like this want to have a pow-wow with the likes of us. I guess word gets around when you build an organization like we have here in Township."

Yes, it turns out that unbeknowngst to the Senator organization, Golic & Greenie had been keeping tabs on the boys in red.

"We know that the SJMSBL is the cream of the men's baseball crop," Golic said between bites of a Tony Luke's cheesesteak, "and we wanted to sit down with Nick and Ken and let them know the efforts of the organization have not gone unnoticed." Greenberg was even more animated and positive.

"Oh, with the new blood this team has coming up to the big club in '09 they are a STONE LOCK to win this thing", Greenberg gushed. "The only thing that can stop this train is the Tabernacle Tigers signing Sabathia to go with Senior. But I think C.C. is just a bit out of their reach budget-wise."

The dynamic duo had no reservations about making the call some six months prior to opening day.

"Hey, you don't gotta be Nostradamus to call this one," Golic added while wolfing a soft pretzel. "These guys were stacked to the nines already. Adding Bruce Shaw, Pete Conlin, Mike Pavlik, Dave DeRuchie and the Stowell Brothers is like merging the '27 Yankees with The Big Red Machine of the 70s -- the other teams in the division should all start focusing on second place right now."

GM Frese, while ecstatic with the personnel moves, was a bit more cautious.

"It was nice to hear the kind words from those guys," Frese said, "but as good as they are, I don't think you can make brash statements like that this early. Yeah, I like our chances, but the way Golic was eating, he may have popped a blood vessel or something. Greenberg? He's a nice enough guy, but I think being in Camden scared him a little."

Bevenour could not be reached for comment -- he was around the corner in line for the free Tony Luke ham and egg breakfast sandwiches.



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