

Intramural Program

Posted by Eddie Hackett on Sep 14 2009 at 05:00PM PDT in YEAR ROUND


Intramural Soccer is a recreation program for all children, with no playing experience necessary (ages 4-18 years) from the Middle Country School District and surrounding communities.


It is a FUN and enjoyable experience to introduce players to the game of soccer, while learning the fundamental skills and rules of the game.


The program offers professional age division training (weekdays), team practices and game days (Sunday's), and is structured in an age specific format and curriculum with easy to understand and natural progressions.

U6 - Mini field, 3v3, no Goal Keepers, out of bounds rules only, kick in' throw in's.

U8 - Micro field, 5v5, Goal Keeper + 4 outfield players, no offside rule, throw-ins and corner kicks introduced.

U10 - Junior field, 7v7, Goal Keeper + 6 outfield players. Full rules apply.

U12 - Intermediate field, 9v9, Goal Keeper + 8 outfield players. Full rules.

U13+ - Senior Field, 11v11, Goal Keeper + 10 outfield players. Full Rules.

Please note:

U6 (Under 6) = 4-5 year olds

U8 (Under 8) = 6-7 year olds, etc, etc


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