

APP Weekly Email Update

Posted by Anne Wintsch-Reis on Jul 29 2007 at 05:00PM PDT
2007 Season Practice: Location: Colonial High School Football PRACTICE fields, 215 Randia Dr. As of 9-10-07: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, 6pm - 8pm, Tiny Mites to be released earlier then 8pm Hi Panther Families: 1. Game #2 - Home Game at Colonial High School football field this Saturday 9-8-0 7. Yes, we can use concession volunteers, chain crews volunteers, announcers for all the games, Mandatory Play people - 1 for our side and 1 for the Opposition side - this is very important now that we are on official games, clean-up people for after the games. Playing: South Orlando Braves Panthers to be in Red Jerseys. Times: PLEASE be on Time! And hydrate before the game has even begun! TM: 9:30 am Game start time, weigh-in 1 hour before Game start time, be at the field per your Coaches instructions MM: 10:30 am Game start time, weigh-in 1 hour before Game start time, be at the field per your Coaches instructions JPW: 12:00 pm Game start time, weigh-in 1 hour before Game start time, be at the field per your Coaches instructions PW: 2:00 pm Game start time, weigh-in 1 hour before Game start time, be at the field per your Coaches instructions JM: 4:00 pm Game start time, weigh-in 1 hour before Game start time, be at the field per your Coaches instructions M: 6:00 pm Game start time, weigh-in 1 hour before Game start time, be at the field per your Coaches instructions 2. Picture Day - Football: Red Jerseys. Cheerleaders: Cheer uniform. Bring your smiles and order form (though more will available on Picture Day) Tiny Mite Football: 8:00am Tiny Mite Cheer: 8:30am Mitey Mite Football: 9:00am Mitey Mite Cheer: 9:30am Jr. Pee Wee Football: 10:00am Jr. Pee Wee Cheer: 11:00am Pee Wee Football: 12:00pm Jr. Midget Football: 2:00pm Midget Football: 4:00pm Midget Cheer: 4:30pm 3. Fall Baseball to start up at Colonial, which may mean you will want to park out of "foul territory". The parking on either side of the baseball area (the parking on either side of the road closest to the Mitey Mite football practice area basically) is very much in foul territory. Please park beyond the Batting cages in that parking lot or before the Baseball field, in the student parking lot, toward the third base line. Please take this "foul ball" warning seriously! 4. Chain crew needed for Colonial's Varsity Game on Friday 9-7-07. Please let me (Anne, 407-925-4716) or Reggie, 321-228-1689 know. You'd need to be there around 6:45pm which gives us time to let the Athletic Director know who is here for APP for halftime food and drink and it keeps Colonial from stressing about if we're showing up or not. THANKS!! 5. Please track down an APP representative if you have issues or don't understand why something is happening. We are all accessible and want this experience to pleasant for all our families. "Bleacher babble" can be detrimental to any organization especially when mis-information is being spread around instead of good information. And I know there's more talk out there than is being allowed to be addressed by APP representatives. I have been told and have no doubts it is true - (to paraphrase) "that others are saying this, but I'm the only one looking you in the eyes and asking about it or expressing an opinion about it". Though some issues are out of our control, listening is never out of our control. Find us, tell us, help us make APP a good experience for all involved! 6. Cheerleaders - Pee Wee Football & Jr. Midget Football squads do not have cheerleaders. Our intentions were to have 6 full cheerleading squads, but that did not happen. Cheerleaders are placed on teams just as football players are - based on age. And just as we need a minimum amount of football players to field a team, there is a minimum amount of cheerleaders needed to field a cheer squad. We recognize 2 teams are without cheerleaders and have already made arrangements to move the cheer squads to cheer at those teams at least once during the season. But it must be understood, just as we cannot have a Pee Wee football team play as a Jr. Midget football team, cheerleader squads are also not interchangeable. The cheerleader squads are rostered with National Pop Warner as a particular squad and are insured via our insurance as a particular squad just as the football teams are. Please start now recruiting girls for next season! 7. Game Day Sideline procedures/Badged personnel only and designated volunteers: Basically each team can have 2 parents doing the water per game and 1 Mandatory play parent that is on the sideline doing these jobs and is unbadged (also 1 Mandatory play parent on the opposition's sideline too). Team Reps are welcome on the sideline as a liaison between the Coaches and parents, if that is so desired by the Coach. The Coaches will have the option of who these parents are. Some teams may rotate their parents through these positions and some may not, it is up to the individual team how they want to this. All other non-badged parents, grandparents, family members, etc. must be in the stands behind the fence. No one is to "coach' that is not a badged coach. Thanks for your support. 8. We'll be glad to accept items for the concession stand through-out the season. Just bring them by the concession stand on game day. Thanks. 9. Empty Ink jet cartridges and old cell phones - bring them to APP for our ongoing fundraising effort. 10. Check in went very well last Saturday with the players and cheerleaders doing as they should during book check, but keep practicing with them a bit longer. It is important for children to learn to speak clearly and confidently and know when to use their manners. a . Please "rehearse" with your football player about proper check-in procedures. Players in a straight, quiet, in number order, line. Player steps up to the table (but does not lean on it) and says ... Player: Johnny Joe, number 50, sir/mam. (in a clear tone, no yelling is needed) Weigh Master: please step on the scale. Weighing commences. Commissioner or someone says: Have a good game son. Player: Thank-you sir/mam. b . Please "rehearse" with your cheerleader about proper check-in procedures. Cheerleaders in a straight, quiet, last name order, line. Cheerleader steps up to the table (but does not lean on it) and says ... Cheerleader: Sally Sue, 3-15-60 (birth date), mam/sir (in a clear tone, no yelling is needed) Book stamped. Cheer Director or someone says: Have a good game. Cheerleader: Thank-you mam/sir. Thanks. Let's Go PANTHERS! Reggie Hughes, President and Football Director: 321-228-1689 Christine Russell, Cheer Director, 407-718-3944 Mary Harrell, Vice President, 407-273-0763 Anne Wintsch-Reis, Commissioner, 407-925-4716


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