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Concert Review - Bon Jovi/Don Hedley (as writen by my wife)

Posted by Kevin Feader on Dec 12 2007 at 04:00PM PST

Well first off, there was this opening act, Hedley something or other.  They played for awhile but I lost interest as I started fantasizing about being on a desert island with Mr. Bon Jovi.................   Next thing you know, it was time for another beer and by the time I got back, the opening act was over.

Then came Jon.............  He started with "Lost Highway" and I got weak in the knees.  It was like he was singing to me and me alone!  By this time I was standing on my seat and was debating at what point my underwear should be flung upon the stage.  Not wanting to seem to easy, I decided to hold off and instead began screaming " I LOVE YOU!"  I was shocked and amazed when I looked behind me only to see another girl shouting out the same phrase.  Who the h*ll does this girl think she is I thought, that's my Jon!  After trying to explain to this gal that she should not talk about my lover that way, I finally lost my temper and had to pop her one.  She seemed very surprised by my response but needless to say, she was much more respectfull of my man for the remainder of the concert.........

He played many great new and classic songs but sadly, I can hardly remember what they were.   Could of been the beer,  may have been the hormones going crazy. Who knows?!

What I do know however is that the band has some awesome security!  Once the concert was over I of course had to sneak back stage to see my lover Jon.   Seeing some groupies, I stole a backstage pass off some blonde bimbo and away I went.   After showing the pass to numerous guards, I finally arrived at their dressing room.  All was good until that blonde bimbo came running up accusing me of assulting her and stealing her pass.  I tried to explain to security that she was crazy and I was Jons one true love and at first they seemed willing to listen.  Unfortunately for me, I must of started to panick and ended up kicking one of the guards in the balls.  After that, there was just no reasoning with them.........

So to summarize the concert, best $145 I ever spent!  I got to see my true love Jon, beat up a chick and kicked a guy in the nads.  Who could ask for more!!!  



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