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2009 - PA Hockey Editorial

Posted by Jeff Mauro on Jan 22 2009 at 04:00PM PST

What does the future hold and what is the price?


       It was interesting the other day watching the Inauguration of President Obama and the sheer joy of seeing a great success story for a gentleman that had a dream of change and is driving the young people in this country to believe that anything is possible. It took a great deal of courage for this man to stand up to the establishment in this country of what the preceding government did to put the greatest nation in world at peril financially and the security of the world in even worse shape. My admiration for President Obama is that this man did things peacefully and joined Black, White, Hispanic and all nationalities together and while there is plenty of work ahead of him, began on day one to change this country as he promised to do.


       I was struck by the comments of Vice President Joe Biden, who is his wisdom chose to address the Presidential Inauguration luncheon to address Senators, Congressmen, Supreme Court Judges and the media and state, that “the United States of America is the greatest country in the world and among him were the most talented people ever assembled and working together they could accomplish anything and bring the USA back to greatness”. I agree with the Vice President and you all probably wonder what this has to do with Interscholastic Hockey, so please read on.


       As the Obamas saw former President Bush, who in my opinion set this country back 50 years, into the sunset of the helicopter, I couldn’t help remind myself of the images of ex-VP Cheney sitting in a wheelchair smirking about all of the money his company Haliburton stole from sending our young men and women to Iraq and Afghanistan, with thousands who came home in body bags to supposedly defend our freedom. And how the price of gas mysteriously went from $ 1.50 a gallon when Bush took office to nearly $ 4.00 and made the Bushes Oil refineries a nice Plantinum Parachute for him to retire in Texas. None of this will ever be investigated nor will either of these people ever be tried for what I consider a crime.


       So why should any of us ever think that Interscholastic Hockey, headed by people more stale than the Bush Administration should change. Similar to Bush’s victory over Al Gore in the general election, where Gore had more votes, this guy remained in office. The PIHL administration has developed an election process that will keep people whose children have been out of hockey for over 15 years in control of over $ 1 million dollars a year and have never had an audit in 10 years and continue to hemorage the member schools into extinction.


       Programs in business for 20-30 years like Penn Hills, North Catholic, Steel Valley, Forest Hills, Butler, Indiana, Cathedral Prep and more have failed to field a Varsity team in 2008-2009 and the PIHL just keeps jacking up the price to keep their administration in command, holding a spell over a powerless and useless Board of Governors at bay with their lack of planning and shot gun approach to running the sport. To make things even worse the 22 team Open Division of Co-Op schools stretching from Altoona to West Virginia has less than 15 Developmental Teams [Junior Varsity and Freshman] to build the future and will even get worse as the years go by. Class AA, once a stronghold of the beginnings of the PIHL will more than likely lose 3-time State Champions Thomas Jefferson, last years Penguins Cup finalist Franklin Regional and long time AA power South Park over the next two years in extinction.


        If there is a Barack Obama out there ready to lead the PIHL, don’t be fooled that this organization does not discriminate. A lot of people have commented to me that I haven’t been to many games this year and there is a reason for that. For one thing I have been busy promoting developmental Grade School programs and Learn to Play Hockey initiatives and really don’t want to waste my time promoting the PIHL.


        I still maintain the Pa Hockey Websites, with scores and highlights and Post Gazette rankings and run the Pa Hockey Scholastic Showcase and National Invitational Scholastic Showcase Tournaments, but an incident at Mellon Arena last spring changed my approach. You see I was banned from the Mellon Arena by the PIHL [as part of my duties with the Post Gazette] from reporting the Penguins Cup last spring and I was threatened to be arrested by a Dick Cheney look alike who was more interested in collecting $ 5 he could divvy up later that night than promotion of their failing league.  I wrote the Penguins with my concerns and they really had nothing to do with it and as PIHL Secretary Ginna Sonnik said in the April Executive Board Minutes ‘that Jeff was singled out’ yes discriminated against by the PIHL, a 501 c 3 non-profit organization, the same PIHL that I was President of and founded from 1996 – 1999.          http://www.pihlweb.com/pgm-download_media.php?name=EC_MEETING_4-3-08.pdf


         The PIHL needs change and they need it NOW! And there is an election in April, the PIHL is hoping sweeps under the rug and re-elects themselves for another two more years of Bush and Cheney extortion. They didn’t have a January Board of Governors meeting because people are starting to ask questions, so they cancelled it!


         People, I really like hockey and as you all know I am pretty passionate about it. I am really not going waste any more of my time promoting a losing proposition. The PIHL Executive Board, Administration and Commissioner are real LOSERS and they can tell everyone all the stories they want about everything they are doing for hockey, but they aren’t doing anything but holding the sport back. Don’t ask me to get involved because I am busy working on the future of hockey through our developmental programs and hopefully in 2013 when these kids reach High School Hockey there is a league left to play in?

         Maybe there is a Barack Obama for Interscholastic Hockey out there but I doubt it, so my vote for the 2009 PIHL election is for Mr Freeze, then they’ll have all of the games outdoors, because the rinks will start closing soon and they’ll need him to keep things cold and in the dark! image


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