

Semi Pro?....You Betcha!

Posted by Mark Dietz on Mar 15 2008 at 05:00PM PDT

For 22 consecutive years, the Cincinnati Cobalts have offered top level baseball players a chance to continue playing this nations greatest game while pursuing professional careers and raising families.

Each year, we strive to provide our players an opportunity to experience a higher level of play in tournaments and stadiums that are reserved for only the elite. Past events have been: Boston Red Sox's City of Palms, Minnesota Twin's Miracle Stadium, Grand Forks International in British Columbia, and Dayton Dragon Stadium.

2008 will be no different!

Cobalts will be hosting a July 4th Tournament at the Professional Florence Freedom's Stadium. The "Battle of the Banks II" will showcase the best Semi Pro Teams from Cincinnati, Louisville, and the NABA World Series Champions: Myrtle Beach White Sox....The stadium concessions will be ready to handle the onslaught of fans looking for hot dogs and beer!

Just another GREAT GIG for the 'Balts and their Fans!




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