

Hobbit Consortium Attempt Hostile Take-Over of Cincinnati Cobalts

Posted by Mark Dietz on Jan 21 2008 at 04:00PM PST

Three former players who call themselves "The Hobbit Consortium" have made a hostile bid to buy-out the Cobalt Baseball Team and all its assets.


These 3 evil little people have been identified in grainy photographs taken at various ATMs around town:

Johnny Mederer: former fastest man on the team. Was shamed by Monster Spriggs and fustrated by Coach's refusal to let him pitch even just to one batter.

Burgess Doan: just bored with his life and wanted to start trouble with his extra cash. Former Situational Hitter. Not a pretty man when in uniform.

Shane Schirmer: an inside plant from the now defunct George's Falcons. Said to be insanely jealous of El Vic-a-tor's vast Cobalt wardrobe.


Not sure what this Hostile Take-Over could mean to the current roster members. But one player, who asked to remain annonymous, was heard saying: "Hey Man. I got no trouble wit dis. As long as I can drink. Shi% Man"



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