

2007 Season is a Wrap

Posted by Mark Dietz on Oct 31 2007 at 05:00PM PDT

The 2007 Season is finally complete with the Cobalts going an unsatisfactory 24-13-2. Some might call it a "transition year" with many long-time mainstays of the squad officially retiring (Captain Bo, Stiggy, Monster Spriggs, TR O'Brien, Nick Frisch, Baby Mulves, etc.).

But, finishing second in the CRC behind a tough young Yorkville team, playing in the NABF Regionals in Springfield, and a decent showing in the Roy Hobbs World Series would make many teams happy - just not us!


So we close the books on this year and look forward to 2008 which will display a New Cobalt Organization in many ways...Stay tuned to the site for Hot Stove News and Rumors as we rest the old bones this winter and prepare for YEAR 22.


Thanks to the Players and especially to their families who put up with the long nights and tournament travel without their husbands/dads. Thanks also to all you former 'Balts who stay close to this Baseball many ways you are the reason I still find the energy and drive to do this year after year - the legacy runs deep!


Go 'Balts (or don't go at all),




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