

Cobalts Swing Heavy Metal in 20-9 Win over Cheviot

Posted by Mark Dietz on Jul 23 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
After spotting the Cheviot Patriots a 5-0 lead, PJ Eilerman settled down to throw 7 decent innings to get the Win. El Vic-a-tor Carreon closed it down with a scoreless final 2 looking strong in another key hold situation. Playing on perhaps the nicest amateur field in the Tri State area (new West Hi), the Cobalts matched early metal blasts with the Patriots. Then Brian Akers lead two mid-inning rallies with gapper doubles knocking in 2 baserunners each. The Win over the Patriots is the 5th this year thanks to both teams pulling double-duty in two leagues this year...round #6 comes this Friday.image


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