

Paully Gets the Win and the Save vs. Reds

Posted by Mark Dietz on Aug 17 2005 at 05:00PM PDT
The dry Ohio weather has delayed the Sweetcorn crop much to the delight of the Cobalts... Paully "Sweetcorn" Krause was dominant again throwing 3 scoreless innings to start the game and then came back in the 7th to shut down a game-threatening, bases loaded rally to get the Save. Vic Carreon threw well in middle relief but a few bad bounces and an oxygen shortage created the need for Paully to save the day. Boo and Ike Browning continued their hot hitting in the 9-6 victory for the Cobalts. After the game, Deuce (02) Hock entertained the late night crowd at Bosley's singing "something hot" Next up: Suds at Midland, Sunday 9:30 AM (wear gold)image


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