


Posted by Jody Jewers on Sep 04 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
To the NSSBL executive: We, the Halifax Pelham Canadians, are hereby filing an official protest of the game noted above, which involved our team and the Dartmouth Moosehead Dry, played at the Wanderers Grounds. The reason for this action is due to the fact that Dartmouth used a player who is not listed on their roster, #31, Craig Langille, who entered the game in the 7th inning as a relief pitcher. When the plate umpire (Garth Sanderson) advised me that the player was entering the game, I informed him that we were playing the game under protest as we had never seen this player or his name on any previous lineup card submitted by their team. Later, when they removed him from the game, the Dartmouth coach informed me that he was an affiliated player. I stated that I saw no such designation on their lineup card and had been told that we were supposed to signify an affiliated player as follows on the lineup card (A) next to said player. There was no affiliate designation on the card submitted by Dartmouth at the pregame conference. I still have the lineup card if it is necessary to see it, however, I am sure that umpire Sanderson would concur, in his report, that there was no designation noted. With every other game we've played in the league this season, any affiliated player has had the proper designation next to his name on the lineup card.


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