

League schedule available May 8

Posted by Jody Jewers on May 05 2006 at 05:00PM PDT
The Nova Scotia Senior Baseball League will release its 2006 schedule on Monday, May 8 at noon. The schedule was approved at the NSSBL's final preseason meeting held today in Halifax. The 2006 season opens Saturday, May 20, with the Sydney Sooners in Sackville to play the Chiefs in a 3 p.m. doubleheader, and the Halifax Pelham Canadians travelling to meet the Kentville Wildcats at 5 p.m. The 34-game regular season is scheduled to end Aug. 16. Nova Scotia teams will play four interleague games apiece against New Brunswick opposition this season. Nova Scotia will host New Brunswick on June 10-11, and New Brunswick will host Nova Scotia on June 24-25. EastLink Television will broadcast two NSSBL games from Memorial Park in Kentville this season. The tentative broadcast dates are July 5 (Halifax at Kentville) and Aug. 16 (Dartmouth at Kentville). Both are 7:30 p.m. starts.


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