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Cold/Hot Dawgs | àéîåï ùìéùé îìà øåç

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein on Feb 19 2003 at 04:00PM PST

äàéîåï äùìéùé, á- 19.02.03 äúçéì òí äøáä øåç, àáì ìà îàéúðå, îäîæâ àååéø. àçøé ëîä ã÷åú ùì àåìé ëï àåìé ìà, äâùí äôñé÷, åäãåâæ òìä ìîâøù. èåá - äúçìðå òí îâøù øé÷ òåã ôòí, åæä ðùàø ëëä. ø÷ àðçðå. â'åï òùä ìðå àéîåï ÷áåöúé ëùäúàîðå òì îé÷åí ùì ëì àçã áî÷øéí îñéåîéí. àôùø ìøàåú àú äñèøèâéä á - äðãàåèñ. ðåëçéí: åúé÷éí: àìáøè ñø÷åáéõ , øåáøè àáï ,ùîåàì âåìãùèééï,éäåðúï ãéí,ãðé àôùèééï,â'øîé ùé,éðéá â'åäøé åçãùéí: àìé ôâï,çéìé÷ áñø,éäåãä ÷øåððâåìã,øåòé ëäï, éåñé âìé÷îï àéîåï øáéòé áøùì"ö. äñôåøè-ëéó ìéã äçé -ëó ùì øàùåï. 2003 ðãçä ìéåí øàùåï, 8 áòøá, 02 áîøõ

----------------------------------------------------- Our third Dawg training on Feb 19 started with an empty field, and small wonder. The forecast called for stormy, rainy, and cold conditions. But the Dawgs don't know enough to come in out of the rain, and besides, it didn't rain that much. And also besides, how cold can it get in Rishon? After a scare of about 10 minutes of rain, our prayers were answered, and the rain stopped. But the wind continued, and this reporter at least remembers several of Jeremy's fly balls that started to go to right field, and ended up in the next field over. Under the capable tutelage of Jon Dym, the Dawgs started working on team defensive positioning and plays (see "Defensive Positioning" in "Handouts"). In fact, this was just about the whole evening, after a brief throw-relay race in which this reporter never lost. Attendance report:

Veterans: Shmuel Goldstein, Jon Dym, Jeremy Shai, Danny Epstein, Yaniv Gohary, Albert Sarkovitz, Robert Even Newcomers: Eli Fagan, Yehudah Kronengold, Roi Cohen, Yossi Glickman, Hilik Besser

Next practice (#4): Sunday, March 2, At the Sport-Kef in Rishon LeTzion, 8 PM (the practice on the 26th was postponed because of the weather). Note that practice #5 will be at Baptist Village. -----------------------------------------------------


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