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First Dawg Training for 2006

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein on Feb 16 2006 at 04:00PM PST
àéîåï çáèåú áéåí ùìéùé, 22.02.06, áéï äùòåú 20:00 òã 22:00 ðà ìàùø äùúúôåúê. âí ðãáø ùí òì äàéîåï äáà åëîå ëï òì äìå"æ ùì äòåðä àðé àùìç àñ.àî.àñ áìé ðãø òã îåöàé ùáú àåìé éåí øàùåï ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ejercios de batear @ BV ,Martes de la noche, 22.02.06, en la hora 20:00 hasta 22:00 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weather this week is going to be better, according to the forecast. Sooo, we are gonna do a batting practice at BV, Tuesday, Feb 22, from 8 PM to 10 PM. Tell me or Lowell what time you are going to come so we can stagger it and not have too many people waiting around. The BV field is NOT playable, and won't be by Tuesday. So, we'll use some of the time to get our team organized, and decide on when and where the next real practice will be.


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