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You're not last, you're 4th | àéîåï øáéòé - øåá òí äãøú äîìê

Posted by Shmuel Goldstein on Mar 02 2003 at 04:00PM PST

äàéîåï äøáéòé, á- 02.03.03 äúçìðå òí îâøù øé÷ òåã ôòí, åæä ðùàø ëëä. îæâ àååéø äéä ðôìà. òùéðå äôòí àéîåï äâðä òí àéîåï çáèåú. øàéðå äâùä ùì ùîåàì, éçæ÷àì äçãù, åâ'øîé. àôùø ìøàåú àú äñèøèâú ääâðä á - äðãàåèñ. ðåëçéí: åúé÷éí: ìåàì áì÷îï (ñåó ñåó) ,ùîåàì âåìãùèééï,éäåðúï ãéí,ãðé àôùèééï,â'øîé ùé,éðéá â'åäøé åçãùéí: àìé ôâï,çéìé÷ áñø,ñèéá ÷øåððâåìã, éåñé âìé÷îï, àåøï òðáø, ðúï îðãì, éçæ÷àì âðõ, â'éé÷ îéìø, àéîåï çîéùé áëôø äáôèéñèéí. 05.03.03, éåí øáéòé ëìåá çáèåú áùòä 7:45 òã 8:45, àéîåï ÷áåöä î ùòä 8:00 òã ùòä 10:00

________________________________ Our fourth Dawg training on March 2 started with an empty field, but this time we don't know why. The weather was wonderful, and we had a great turnout: 14 players. We started out with calisthenics, then Jon Dym's famous relay race, in which groups of three or four players relay the ball to each other for several rounds. The group that comes in last must run around the distant lamp post, at top speed. That is, heart-attack speed, guys. This reporter swears that he came in last only once, but the other guys claimed his group came in last twice. Hmmmmm . . . there must be a conspiracy. We had a few new guys here, many of them found out about the team from this wonderful website. Yecheskel, a new immigrant from Argentina, showed his prowess both behind the plate and at the mound, and Natan Mandel showed us how a real 2nd baseman is supposed to play. We did defensive drills once again, but this time the pitching was a bit more aggressive. Shmuel is pleased at his accurate chang-ups, and later Jeremy gave us all some real heat. For defensive positioning and plays (see "Defensive Positioning" in "Handouts"). Attendance report:

Veterans: Shmuel Goldstein, Jon Dym, Jeremy Shai, Danny Epstein, Yaniv Gohary, Lowell Blackman (finally!) Newcomers: Eli Fagan, Steve Kronengold, Yossi Glickman, Hilik Besser, Oren Inbar, Yechezkel Gantz, Natan Mandel, Jake Miller

Next practice (#5): Wednesday, March 5, at Baptist Village in Petach Tikva. Batting cage open from 7:45 to 8:45, team practice from 8 PM to 10 PM. Last practice before our first game. ----------------------------------------------------- image


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