


Posted by Knut DeMuur on May 25 2003 at 05:00PM PDT
Round Robin Play: RSSC Thunder '90 1 - 0 SCOR Girls RSSC Thunder '90 1 - 0 BC United RSSC Thunder '90 1 - 2 FC Emerald Championship Match: RSSC Thunder '90 2 - 0 FC Emerald Brilliant Weekend! I'm still too tired and scatter-brained to give a worthwhile account of the games and weekend in whole... except to say that I am proud beyond words of you girls for your style, your determination, your manner on and off the field, and the quality of your play. Highlights that just jump out off the top of my head: > Alyssa Zarski with the most impressive goal of the season so far > a spitball fight > taking a nap at the movie theater > Olivia Kramer earning yet another PK for her determined play > a foggy foggy early early morning > breakfast at Bob Evans... no no, too crowded. let's make it Big Boy > Coach Gordon making everybody at the dinner table laugh... A LOT. > you players taking charge of your own destiny and calling a players'-only meeting before championship match. > lots of bumps & bruises - and getting right back up and to it every single time > my fancy new paint job on my car > Emily Liles with 3 very impressive shutouts > How the most important thing on everybody's mind when trophies were being handed out was everybody wishing Monica was there. > "dust getting in my eyes" when I was handing out trophies > how nobody on the team would let me sing happy birthday to Gillie... (i don't get it) > getting drenched What a great weekend and a great showing. Excellent well done! p.s. I wasn't crying... the wind kept blowing dust right into my eyes. I love you guys. more Detials & Pics to follow. Remember to pray today for our nations servicemen/women & veterans - especially all who have died in the service of our country, and for our sailors, marines, soldiers & airmen who are serving this very moment out in the field and all over the world, safeguarding and protecting the freedoms we are privileged to enjoy here at home. We are only able to know and experience so much of the blessings & joys life has to offer, such as those we shared this weekend, because of the vigilance and deeds of those who have served and those who serve today. imageimage


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