

Meet the Coach

Posted by Knut DeMuur on Apr 17 2001 at 05:00PM PDT
Parents, My favorite time of year is here and I am very pleased to be coaching your daughter's soccer team this season. Many of you now know me and are familiar with my coaching style and emphasis. Just as a review and an introduction to new members and families to the team I'd like to take a minute to review and share my approach to coaching young players so that you, as parents, can get an idea of what I'm trying to accomplish as a coach. First of all, as the coach of young & developing players, I consider it my responsibility to create an atmosphere that fosters enthusiasm for this beautiful game and allows that enthusiasm to grow. That is my primary goal for everybody on this team and everything that I do throughout the season is meant to achieve that end. These girls are playing the game because they like it. Soccer is a beautiful game and I want them to always like it and have it remain fun and fulfilling for them well beyond pre-teen and teen years as it has for me as a player and coach. That kind of long-standing enjoyment will come from an appreciation for and understanding of the game - which is what I will strive to teach. My coaching direction stems from certain fundamental concepts that have been taught to me, the most important of which is an appreciation of what is meant by good play. Good play is play that is skillful and thoughtful. My goal is to promote within the players the desire to play more skillfully. I feel that players at this age have stepped beyond "kickball" and are reaching a point where they ready and wanting to develop an understanding of positional play and execution. That desire to learn is important because as long as they want to learn and improve their skills, they will. And it is very gratifying to see the pride that a young player takes in her accomplishments as she realizes she is learning and getting better & better - game by game and week by week. Good play also means fair, clean play and sportsmanlike conduct. Wherever I have coached, from toddlers to U-20's and at all levels including rec, club and high school varsity, I have always worked very hard to instill these traits in my players. I will continue to emphasize the importance of this because a match played in a fair and sporting manner is more enjoyable for all concerned. Now, I want very much to win. And you will find I intend to and very much expect to win. And I want my team to want to win, and to expect to win. There is nothing wrong with that - it is why we work so hard to improve our skills and execution. But much more important than winning is to win well. And as with all things, the effort reaps its own rewards. Finally, I want to thank you, parents, for your involvement in your daughter's soccer season. Regardless of skill level, team record, friends involved, or personal achievements, NOTHING is more important to your daughter than your support in her endeavors. I am looking forward to a terrific season. Knut Licensed USSF ā€œDā€ Level Coach KNVB Certified Youth Coach SoccerPlus Goalkeeper School imageimage


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