


Posted by Czar Bloom on Sep 02 2001 at 05:00PM PDT
The 2001 Summer Strider Racing Series officially ended Monday with the relaxing Prediction 5K at Grove Park. Bloomie knew by the mile marker that he wasn't coming anywhere near his 19:59 prediction (3 hours of basketball Sunday killed the legs), so I decided to kick back and cruise in with a 22:07. Overall, I was plenty happy with the season, placing among the top most improved runners by shaving over 5 minutes from last summer's series. For those who want specifics, I took second in my age group (up from 4th last season although former Woodbridge rival Breck Vanderwende was the only other 25-29 qualifier) and I tallied a 2:21.52.9 in five 5ks and a five miler. I'll still be aiming for that sub-20 mark this fall after running a summer best of 20:24. Uncle Vern won his 40-45 age group by nearly three minutes, scoring a 2:05.52. Dan, Dan the Running Man Pennington didn't qualify for the series, but did improve by the end of the season. All in all, congrats to all those folks out there this season who gave it their best (i.e. Matt Lindell who took third overall in the series). We'll see you this fall and hopefully next summer. Have fun! Run!


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