


Posted by Czar Bloom on Jun 05 2004 at 05:00PM PDT
Click on the above headline to get the latest local summer running action in Special Sauce '05, dubbed SSVI: WHO CALLED THIS SPECIAL ANYHOO? Wow, it's amazing what a little discipline and training can do. In one week, Ol' Bloomer went from 22:34 to a respectable 21:24 at the 27th annual Buffalo Stampede in Wyoming on Saturday. Despite a field of 243 runners in the 5K, that time still hauled in a second place buffalo trophy in the hot, humid weather. Of course, big props go out to all the many locals hitting the pavement, including the MHSCC families of FitzPatrick, Fisher and Creasey. Junior co-captain Jackie (23:07) and mom, Julie led the Creaseys with third and second-place buffs, respectively, while papa Bill nearly made it a trophy sweep with a solid time. The Fisher and Fitz families missed out on the bison, but still put in a great day's work and super soph Kyle scored a great time as did his dad, Brian, and sis, alumni Jessica while mama, Barb, AKA Milford's Teacher of the Year, zipped through the walk. Soon-to-be MHSCCer Robert Fisher teamed with his dad, Randy, for a great combo, too. Numerous other Special Saucers picked up nifty wooden Buffalos as well, including Matt Lindell (newly hired as a teacher/coach at Dover High), St.Thomas More's Coach Eric Payne, and Milford residents John Yanacek, Dan Pennington and MHSCC alumni mom Kathy Kunkle. A host of Henlopen hasbeens :) also made their 5K/10K appearance like Amy Hrupsa, Steve Scarborough, the Swierzbinski brothers, Liz Paul, Kyle Luke, Kevin Kemmerle, Jeff Miller, the Hajecs, Breck Vandewende, and many more. Katelyn Ealer, Lauren Burawski, Pat Riley and Joe Debus led a blast of past upstate CCers, too. Special Sauce Insider saw a load of CR and Lake CCers, making the race, including Buff winners, Jessica Kapes and Jesse Brooks of CR and Teddy Bobola and Danielle Riley of Lake. Numerous Dover CCers blazed the course, as well, so it looks like the local rivals are ready and training for the '05 CC season. Next race:A Seashore Strider race over the next three weekends at the beach? Stay tuned for updates and remember . . . If you want to make Special Sauce, I guess I'll have to see you out there running! :) Have fun! Run!


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