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11/20 - Prep breaks open a close game

Posted by Jeff Mauro on Nov 20 2001 at 04:00PM PST
CRANBERRY - Cathedral Prep coach Nels White likes his chances with his Rambler squad this season, because of the young talent and depth he has to work with. Seneca Valley was the opponent tonight and improving under 2nd year coach Brian Cersosimo. The Raiders struck quickly in the games first 2:15 as Trevor Kuhlmann and John Zegarelli tallied to give Seneca a 2-0 lead. The Ramblers stormed back with four unanswered goals by Bob Trunasky, Dan Sweeney, Jon Marriott and Justin Duchini to take a 4-2 advantage to the locker room. Duchini added to the Prep lead with 4:05 left in the second and the Ramblers seemed to be in control. The quick strike of Duchini and Jon-Marc LiVorio with a pair closed the gap to 5-4 at the end of two. In the third period, Prep scored three goals by Ryan Stadler, Marriott and Duchini to put the game on ice and give the Ramblers a four goal lead and Prep wnet on to win 8-5. imageimage


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