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Posted by Roger Moss at Sep 27, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Attached is a Word Document with all the information about clinics coming up this Fall. I have talked with the people involved and they told me these would be good for all levels of wrestling from our young guys to out old timers. Hey it's only at Berlin High. Sponsored by Manchester Youth Wrestling This clinic is designed for elementary, junior high and senior high wrestlers. Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced wrestlers will benefit from our outstanding clinicians. CLINIC 3 Date: Sunday October 13th Site: Berlin HS CLINICIAN: TOM LAYTE NCAA CHAMPION @ University of Augsburg, Outstanding Wrestler at NCAA Championships, Head Coach at MIT Cost is only $20.00
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Posted by Roger Moss at Sep 12, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
Leg strength – Almost all sports require leg strength for sprinting, balance, and power. Do not get hooked on upper body training only! The legs are the key for speed and endurance, so training should start there. There are so many leg exercises to choose from, just ask a qualified trainer to show you how. Finally, do not feel that you need to train to the point of soreness with each leg workout. Progress gradually in the amount of weight you use on each exercise and the number of exercises you perform each workout, and your strength will increase greatly within a short time. Core strength – After leg strength, core strength is the most important area for athlete improvement. The core is composed of the abdominal area and the low back muscles. This area needs to be strong to support twisting movements, to help in balance during contact sports, and in throwing movements.
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Posted by Roger Moss at Aug 18, 2002 5:00PM PDT ( 0 Comments )
You don’t need access to a weight room to work on important aspects of strength. Here are two examples of strength development exercises where all you need is a wall. So there are no excuses for not getting stronger!! Wall Push-Ups The first exercise is for developing upper body strength. Stand facing a wall and place palms flat against the wall. Step back approximately 4-6 inches. Slowly “fall” forward toward the wall and catch yourself and execute a push-up(or push-back), against the wall. Push away from the wall until you are standing straight up, and repeat. Start with approximately 20 repetitions and build up every other day to repeat as many as you can manage. As you get stronger, gradually stand further and further away from the wall and complete more repetitions to develop greater strength. Leg Burns This next exercise is a great way to develop strength and endurance in your legs. Many athletes call these “leg burners” because of the sensation you feel in your legs as you perform the exercise. Many teams enjoy seeing who can last the longest doing leg burners. Stand with your back flat against the wall and slowly begin to “sit down” moving your feet away from you one foot at a time, until you are “sitting” against the wall. The goal is to be in a perfect sitting position without a chair to support you. Your back should remain flat against the wall and your thighs should be parallel to the ground. When someone looks at you it should appear that you are sitting in a chair with your arms not supporting you. Hold this position until you begin to feel a burning sensation….then stand up and repeat the exercise. Try to “sit” for longer and longer periods of time to develop both strength and endurance. Both of these exercises only require a wall and both are great for getting stronger!! No excuses, so get started! Submitted by: Tom Crawford
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Beginner Team 2002

Posted by Roger Moss at Mar 30, 2002 4:00PM PST ( 0 Comments )
This group of wrestlers did an outstanding job in their first season of wrestling. We can expect great things from them to come. Keep up the good work!image