

USA Wrestling Membership For those entering tournaments

Posted by Roger Moss on Oct 01 2002 at 05:00PM PDT
Competitor & Athlete Ø ALL Connecticut wrestlers & coaches are requested to apply for their membership through their club directors. 1. Complete membership information including name, mailing address with zip code and phone number is mandatory. 2. All card fee’s, both competitor and coach are $36/card except in the case of siblings. When more than one competitor from a family signs-up additional cards cost only $31. This does not apply to coach’s memberships. I.e. one (1) coach and two (2) competitor memberships from the same family costs $36 + $36 +$31 = $103. 3. Club Directors or their designee are to collect the membership fee’s from each wrestler and send a single check for the group of cards that they are processing. This not only reduces bank charges on our end but aides the accounting process for each club by having a record of how many cards have been paid for. 4. Insurance claim procedures can be found on the back of each membership card along with our Website address and State Chairman contact information. 5. Make checks payable to Roger Moss. He will mail one check to CTUSAW 6. The larger portion of the membership card MUST BE SIGNED AND GIVEN TO COACH MOSS. 7. Once a card has been assigned to an individual it’s membership cannot be assigned to someone else. Absolutely NO REFUNDS.


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