

Say Goodbye to Summer

Posted by Amanda Stephens on Sep 02 2002 at 05:00PM PDT
Congrats on a great summer everyone. This was one of the most trying summers for the boys and girls. Varsity girls will run almost 400 miles and the boys over 500 by the next few weeks. The team has had some tuff stuff to deal with this year, but it has made us stronger. This summer the captains named runners of the week and they included: Ana Dag Destinie Jim Minero ???? Megan ???? These people stuck out to the Captains and put out the most effort. I am unsure of all the boy runners of the week, I have to ask Dag. School is coming and we all have to adjust. Remember to drink water and not too much soda. Boys and girls need to wear the polo shirts on race days. All we are asking for is the polos, no need for warm-ups. Plus, it is too hot to wear pants, but remember for the future. Things for the girls to look forward to during the school year are: (1) Friday night slumber party (TBA, maybe 9/27), (2) baskets and basket exchange/breakfast before League Finals and (3) the whole team going to speed zone on 9/7 (cost of $25). If you want more activities you need to ask for them! Well I just wanted to wish everyone a great first day of school (even though it is school), and say good luck to all the new freshman. Have fun, Amanda "Running is the greatest metaphor for life, because you get out of it what you put into it." -Oprah Winfrey "If the Lord had meant man to run, He'd have given him four legs, or at least made him late for the bus." -Red Smith


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