


Posted by Ralph Casas on Jun 23 2006 at 05:00PM PDT

Parents, This is supplemental information for you and your child. Also, check the "Team Guidelines" and "Team Information" pages.

Running and your child: For families new to the sport, cross country offers some surprises and many rewards. There a few points to remember, especially early in the season, that will help to alleviate some parental anxiety.

An all-weather sport: Be aware that cross country meets (and workouts) are never canceled due to weather. Rain, hail, sleet, snow, fog, eclipse, temblor, or national emergency --- none of these are grounds for postponement (we did have a meet on 9/11/2001). So when race day comes around, and it is raining buckets, the race is still on. The only exception is when there is a stage 2 smog alert. Thanks to unleaded gas and California's tough emission standards, we haven't had one of those in a while.

Get buffed: Don’t be surprised if your son or daughter gains some muscle mass over the season, especially in the thighs and the calves. A dedicated runner will have some impressive leg muscles by the end of the season.

Sticking it out: If you and your child stick it out through the season, expect some great races, some outstanding competition, and more than a fair share of success and recognition

Running is Fun: Special events in the LMHS running calendar (aside from that spontaneous displays of exuberance that erupt on a regular basis throughout the season):

  • Watermelon Relay Days: Watching your child run while holding on to a watermelon is quite a sight! Of course the kids love it because they get to eat the watermelons after the relays.

  • Beach Party: After our first Saturday workout, we will have a team party at the beach: Barbecue, sodas, the surf, mob football, et cetera.

  • Squirt gun runs: A great way to get in a workout on a hot summer day!

  • Impromptu team dinners: Carbo loads, team meals, and eating for fun is what runners do in their spare time.

  • Soccer Runs: Have you ever raced on a Cross Country course while passing a soccer ball amongst your teammates? This is an excellent way to build pack running and team unity!

  • Juice Stop Runs: Only LMHS makes these special trips to Juice Stop as a reward for a great performance or just because the team needs it!

  • Water Days: A short run to a local pool and then a water workout!

  • Scavenger Hunts: Be the first team to collect all items on your list!

Team Activities Unrelated to Running! Sometimes we just like to get together to have a good time! In the past we've gone to water slides, miniature golfing, raced go-carts, taken a bike-ride to the beach and gone to the movies. On occasion, we may go to a TV taping as a team fundraising activity.

  • Summer Awards barbecue: This is our end-of-the-summer festivity to honor the runners. It requires quite a bit of setup and preparation.

  • Awards Banquet: Held the first Monday of December, this is our team festival of recognition, complete with videos, special-edition "yearbooks," enough awards to clog a landfill, and enthusiastic coaches saying nice things about all the runners.


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