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Bedford Finishes the Season with a Loss to Danvers 3-0

Posted by Dale Dubois on Nov 10 2003 at 04:00PM PST
In a game that turned out to mean more than could be imagined, the Bedford Pacers lost their last game of the season to an abbreviated Danvers squad. In a word, the game was horrible. Bedford had 10 men and Danvers had 9 to start the game on a 25 degree frozen solid field with the wind blowing down the length of the field at 20 mph. George Wegricht would get net duties for the Pacers, as he was the only one with keeper experience this day. Poor George would have to change into his sneakers at the half as his feet were freezing from standing still throughout the first half of the match. The first half was all bedford as John and Jeff Guild would show up to give the Pacers a two man advantage over the Internationals. Bedford should of had 8 goals in the first half as they had the wind at their backs and the ball in the Danvers end the entire time. However, Danvers packed it in and the half would end 0-0. The second half saw a sparked up Danvers squad. Still with a two man disadvantage, they would place their striker as far up field as possible and keep launching balls over the heads of the Pacers defenders. The stradegy worked and resulted in three goals for Danvers. Not much more to say.. Danvers 3 - Bedford 0... Everyone was glad to hear the final whistle. The win would mean everything to Danvers. On Monday night the NEOTHSL board met and overturned the decision not to penalize Lowell for roster violations. Lowell would receive two losses for their first two games and would drop them just below Danvers for the relegation spot. The entire division was deeply saddened by this relegation. We all looked forward to the yelling, pushing, dirty play, non league referees, trash talk that we have come to expect from Lowell... Oh well, maybe in the Fall of 2004 we will see them.... or maybe they will fall like a stone as Peobody and Tewksbury have done... We all look forward to the Spring season with a more consistent game to game roster. Have a good off season.....


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