

E-commerce trends go through exponential growth

Posted by cassidy clay on Feb 21 2019 at 01:11AM PST

According to the latest reports on the market, a survey finds that the retail for e-commerce sales worldwide reached $2.88 trillion. It is predicted that the amount is estimated to reach $4.7 trillion by 2021. The biggest online retail market of the top 3 US amounted to $100 billion in 2017. Online shopping is one of the most popular internet activities worldwide, though, it varies from different regions. Most people use PCs to order goods online, but the purchases made online through portable devices are also increasing.

The AI-based programs this year, are soon set to be used more in bigger companies to assist the workers efficiently. Companies will spend more on paid media as daily active users are still increasing. Social media has become the most advertisement attraction platform for e-commerce marketers as there are more than a billion social media users worldwide. Millennials have the highest number of users and are more drawn to online shopping.

The content distribution market will see more growth in SEO as the cost for paid media is increasing. Google’s advertisement campaign such as PPC is found to be the most effective in the advertising market, but as the price still increases, SEO companies are expected to see more customers from smaller companies.

Customers of current age tend to follow their favorite brands on social media pages, and it has become important for brands to gain attention online. In the past few years, traditional markets have slowly started to engage in online activities to promote their products. Most businesses have opened their own page for product display. The online market will grow exponentially in the coming years as millennials take over the world. For more information please visit


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