
2018 Tyke C-Cup Final Highlights

Semi final game vs CumberlandTyke 1

HESN recorded and shared highlights from the SemiFinal game on October 20, 2018

Oct 6 vs Panthers - Nice run by Charlie

Oct 6 vs Panthers Tyke 2 - First play (Slo-Mo)

That fumble was too juicy for the defence!!!!

Sept 29 vs Panthers T2 .... Long run for TD

Sept 29 vs Panthers tyke 2 - Kick attempt

Emile's first in-game kick attempt.... great try buddy!!!!

Sept 22 vs W. Carleton - Ryan was a beast this day

Sept 22 vs W. Carleton - Extra point conversion.

Nice catch Emile.
Charlie showing off the arm today!

Sept 22 vs W. Carleton - Hand off and in for a TD (Bo)

Great hustling!!!!

Sept 22 vs W. Carleton - Defence putting on a clinic

2nd and ten.... Ben not giving up. 3rd and 9... pushing them back.

Sept 15 vs Riders #2

1st and 10.... BO breaks down the right side. Good blocking

Jeeze he's quick!!!

Sept 15 vs Riders

1st and ten. Quarterback scramble. Way to go CHARLIE!

Nice Run an good blocking

Nice Run Alex!

Great Tackle Emile!