
Coaches Feedback

Posted by Dave Jansen on Feb 27 2020 at 03:47PM PST

As the 2019-20 season comes to a close I would first like to thank all of our Coaches for their time a dedication to another season. While I hockey does not come without its bumps and bruises, ultimately there is one group of people that can pull a team through the hard times. Thank you all for your efforts.

As we close this season and move forward to next season; I would like to ask our parent group for some feedback on the season. Please feel free to complete one of the attached forms and email me at

These evaluations are viewed as constructive and may be used in our coach selections for coming seasons. While we accept not all opinions will be in a coaches favour, their dedication to our association is considered and these evaluations could also be used in a proactive and developmental manner.

Thank you for your input

The document 2019-20_Coach_Evaluation_Electronic__Excel_.xls was attached to this post.