

Reminder that we are just playing a game........Adult Coaches

Posted by Vince Greco on Nov 06 2016 at 07:11PM PST in 2016-2017

A memo from our parent organization; BC Soccer, covering some things that most of us know, but is a good reminder that infractions lead to severe sanctions.
We have our fair share of Youth Officials that do VISL games, used through Club initiatives – best be in the knowledge – and hopefully use common sense as well.
We have plenty of players and coaches of our own that are involved with the Youth League (LISA) and pull double duty as a helper or coach within that League; again, read below to understand the consequences of Misconduct by Adults against Youth
Besides all the sanctions and consequences – don’t potentially ruin a kids life over what would be considered pretty trivial in the grand scheme of things.
Hope this all makes sense – am available to answer any questions if needed as well.

Attention: All Adult Coaches involved in Soccer in BC
From: BC Soccer
Re: Misconduct by Adults against Youth
BC Soccer supports equal opportunity, prohibits discriminatory practices, and is committed to providing an environment in which all individuals are treated with respect. All of us agree that the protection of youth is of the utmost importance. In alignment with this BC Soccer over the last 2 years has made a determined effort to crack down on incidents of misconduct by adults against youth/minor aged members (players, referees, volunteers, etc.).
Upon receipt of such reports, BC Soccer may suspend the individual immediately and indefinitely pending the result of their discipline hearing. BC Soccer will directly handle all misconduct against youth by adults that includes but is not limited to:
• Verbal or physical abuse of a youth
• Being under the influence of alcohol or drugs while in the proximity of youth
• Threatening remarks to a youth
• Improper or unwanted physical contact with a youth
• Coercion, suggesting, facilitating, or demanding youth to undertake unethical activity or breaks rules
• Harassment or bullying of youth
• Sexual innuendo, request for sexual favours or any sexual contact with youth or in the proximity of youth
• Consuming alcohol or drugs or smoking in proximity to youth
• Lewd or improper behavior towards youth or in the proximity of youth
• Endangerment of youth
• Failure to provide a safe environment for youth
• Failure to protect youth

Where an individual is found guilty of misconduct against a youth, it will attract sanctions of greater severity with the high likelihood of being seen as egregious or serious. Some examples of possible sanctions from BC Soccer’s Discipline Sanction Guideline are:
Unethical Behaviour 6 to 60 months all soccer related activity
Verbally abusive behaviour 6 to 60 months all soccer related activity
Threatening an Official Up to a lifetime ban from all soccer related activity
Physical contact with an official Up to a lifetime ban from all soccer related activity

Publicly Posted Discipline Results
On, BC Soccer publicly posts all adults under suspensions which are 6 months or greater. You can visit this page here –
For more information on the stronger stance against youth abuse in soccer see this following article –

BC Soccer Discipline Overview
Players, team officials, game officials, clubs, districts and leagues (and their appointees, volunteers and staff) have a duty and responsibility to conduct themselves appropriately while respecting the FIFA Laws of the Game, BC Soccer rules, regulations, policies and the rules of the clubs, districts and leagues.
BC Soccer Rule 10 – Discipline provides BC Soccer broad responsibility to ensure the proper conduct of all individuals involved in sanctioned soccer.

BC Soccer – BC Soccer holds the jurisdiction for discipline over all of its member organizations. The main areas in which BC Soccer administers discipline directly are:
• BC Soccer Provincial Championships and Regional Qualifying Competitions
• Club/District/League Administrators and Executives
• Egregious Offenses
• Referee Abuse
• Matters that are referred to BC Soccer for any number of reasons
Full Member Organization (Youth Districts & Adult Leagues) – Full Member Organization of BC Soccer (Youth Districts and Adult Leagues) are empowered to handle any/all matters that relate to individuals and clubs that are registered within them, unless specifically specified in BC Soccer’s Discipline Policy. For example, a player registered with a club/team is under the jurisdiction of their Youth District/Adult League, therefore that district or league would handled player misconduct locally.
Exceptions to this are:
• if the person being brought to discipline is a District or league Administrator/Executive. This should be referred directly to BC Soccer.
• where the Youth Districts involved have given Jurisdiction to the Inter District League in which they participate.
Affiliated Soccer Clubs – Affiliated Soccer Club in general are empowered to handle any/all matters that are completely internal to the club itself. For example, teams and/or players that are not following the club Code of Conduct.
Exceptions to this would be if the person being brought to Discipline is a Club Administrator/Executive. This should be referred to their district to avoid any clear conflict of interest.
Youth Leagues – Youth Leagues have two main discipline functions.
1. To uphold discipline decisions imposed by the districts and by BC Soccer.
2. To administer discipline when the districts/clubs participating in the league have empowered them to do so.
Should you have any questions regarding this, please contact Dan Turvill Manager of Competitions and Discipline at


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