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Last Minute Reminders; CRC's, Parental Liability Forms, Insurance, ID Cards, Umbro Game Balls, Paperwork.

Posted by Vince Greco on Sep 05 2017 at 04:41PM PDT

Hey folks, just to be clear; and to avoid any issues/sanctions for people, (including fines) please make sure the following things are taken care of well in advance of your games to ensure eligibility for all wanting to take part in VISL games.

1)If you are an administrator of a team and you have a youth player on your roster or you want to permit one – you need to have a Criminal Record Check on file. This goes for anybody that is an administrator on the team. No CRC = no youth player allowed to participate. This is the link that you need to go through online to have a check done via our no cost account for volunteers:
Online Link: https://justice.gov.bc.ca/eCRC/
Access Code: BNJ3WMPBS5
This takes a fair bit of time, and was the reason I sent out the original notice early in the summer.

2)Further to the above needed CRC, any youth player needs to have a Parental Liability form on file and sent to my email.
No form on file = not eligible to play. This form is available on the website under the resources tab, then select documents. Scroll down the list of options and you will see it approximately half way down the page.
Should you play a youth player and not have the appropriate paperwork on file, you will be sanctioned and it will include a minimum $50.00 fine.

3)All referees require a current CRC on file. Referee’s are unable to be scheduled to officiate unless I have that CRC on file. Once I receive notification for a referee, I send it to the referee. (This way it can be shared as well) If I have not sent it to you – I do not have yours. At this time, we have 24 Referee’s that are able to do VISL games. This is a low number…..very much lower than last year.
******Teams, be prepared to ref a game (or be an A/R) should one not show up for your match.*******
Both teams may choose to officiate 1 half each, but this is up to the home team to sort out.

4)Insurance policy from BC Soccer that is needed to book some fields – is also located on the website under resources, then documents. You will need to scroll down near to the bottom to access it.

5)ID Cards – as discussed at the Organizational meeting, ID Cards are needed by all wanting to participate. The cost is $5.00 for any type of card made for a returning player, new player, administrator,……..anybody on the team list. There are a couple exceptions like a new player (having not played in VISL during the past 10 years) has a 1 game reprieve. There are other rules to go with that – have a read of it under the Rules & Regulations or Team Handbook. A late arriving player needs to have their ID card checked by the official before they enter the field. A live version of the Team List may be used as an ID card – please ensure there is a picture on the website for all your players.

6)Umbro Game Balls – all teams have not yet picked up their new game balls. Contact me to sort out a pick up at my house, at a field I may be going to, or at Soccerworld. They are $80.00 each and all teams are to receive 2. I also have a handful of the older version available. They are also an approved game ball in addition to the new game ball. They are being sold at 2 for $100.00

7)Paperwork – read the Handbook that is on the website under resources, then documents. It will explain what is expected at games and how important the team list is as it requires a fair amount of information. Div 1 & 2 teams – you are required to do a little more, let me know if you need substitution slips.
Don’t be a victim and lose a game via technicality or get unnecessary fines because of screw-ups – they are avoidable.

Once you get into the routine of this and cross the things off your list, you should be able to enjoy the game and maybe a beverage or 2!
Hope the opening weekend goes off well!

Vince Greco
VISL President
Cell: 250-889-1213
