

Info for this week

Posted by Jillian Porter on Sep 10 2019 at 11:30AM PDT

Hey Team!

We practice tonight at the armory from 615-815 due to elementary open house scheduled for Wednesday!!

I wanted to take a moment to let you all know how proud I am of all the hard work your athletes are putting in! It is really showing and I think things are really coming together!!

That being said, after today, there are only 10 practices left until competition. Attendance is exceedingly important as we go forward teaching the girls the remainder of the routine. Even with one athlete missing practice, it can have an effect on the entire team! (particularly stunting/pyramids). I know life happens and we all have other obligations and engagements, but please make every effort to make it to practice. If your athlete will be missing, coming late, or needs to leave early, please let someone on the coaching staff know!

We have an AWAY GAME this Sunday!

We play in Milford @ Jonathan Law High School 20 Lansdale Ave, Milford, CT 06460
Kick off is at 10am, athletes arrive by 9am!! I will be at the field by 830am.
Remember your water bottle, hair up with game bow, skirt, shell, boy shorts, NO LINER (But dress for the weather, wear your warm up jacket or naugy colored zip up), either warm up pants or black leggings, no show socks, and white leather sneakers.

Before we know it, October will be upon us!! Our competition’s are OCTOBER 5 and OCTOBER 12. I will be looking for parent volunteers to assist at the competition, so if you’re interested, please let Sade know.

Please note that the New England Regionals Competition is scheduled for November 2 and 3! Just a reminder for those who like to plan ahead! It is held at the Tsongas Center in Lowell, MA.

On Saturday Sept 28th, we our hosting our annual Golf Tournament. Due to that event, we are moving practice to 1245p-245p @ the armory. If you do not plan on golfing that day, please consider joining us for the dinner! This is one of my favorite events!

Lastly, we will have a dress rehearsal on Tuesday October 1st @ the armory. I will give out more details on that as we approach.

I know this was A LOT of information at once so please reread this email and feel free to ask questions!

Again, I am so grateful to have the opportunity to work with your athletes, THANK YOU!!

Head Coach Jillian


2019-09-14T10:08:22.000-07:00September 14 2019, at 10:08 AM PDT, Phoebe Squires said:

What is this comp in nov? Are our girls performing???

2019-09-17T17:53:34.000-07:00September 17 2019, at 05:53 PM PDT, Sade Larocque said:

I’m sorry I’m just seeing this! This year we are competing to go to Disney! With that being said we have to place at our October competitions before being invited to Regionals. Regionals is he competition in November. We want parents to have that date available to them so if we place in October you have the dates handy! I hope this helps 😊